

About the Check-in Service 

The Check-in Service is run by Greenwich Students’ Union, funded by the University of Greenwich. It is a peer-to-peer wellbeing service, which aims to contact students who are vulnerable to withdrawing from their studies and provide them with early intervention support to help them to stay at Greenwich and thrive. 

Our student-staff team reach out, primarily through phone calls, and lead students through a structured conversation. We make it clear we’re calling from the Students’ Union, that we hold their confidentiality unless they consent for us to share information, or a significant risk has been identified, and that students can be open with us about issues they are facing. 

A significant element of the service is signposting and referring students to the right support at the right time. This may happen on the calls or, if the situation is more complex, the student may be escalated to receive a support pack, personalised follow up email/call or referral from the service manager. 

In 2022 the service was shortlisted for a Times HE Award for Outstanding Student Support. 

THE Awards 2022 in words stacked next to on top of each other 

What we speak to the students about

During the calls, we ask students about their studies, if they know their personal tutor, their experience of loneliness and any pressures they might be facing. We tell students about GSU and the university support services available to them. Even if they don’t currently need the support, it ensures that they have the information, should they need it in the future. 

The service has been running since the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns, and in this time has provided follow up support to over 2000 students. We have had some excellent feedback from students who appreciate the time and consideration that reaching out shows: 

"I liked how patient as well as understanding the staff behind the call was, she was extremely helpful in response to my queries and offered me advice with what I needed. I think that checking up on students is a very positive, and often overlooked aspect of Greenwich University as it shows how devoted the uni itself is to content and successful graduates.” 

In 2025 we are looking to diversify the methods we use to reach out to students and start to incorporate WhatsApp messaging as part of the Check-in service. 

We work alongside university departments, including with the Engagement team, the International Student Advice Service and the Student Finance team, as well as with SAS and with faculties and schools. 

Who we call

We prioritise calling students who are most at risk of being withdrawn due to nonattendance and students at risk of withdrawing or interrupting themselves. These categories include:  

  • New starters for that term
  • Students with low or no engagement
  • Responsive calls to students affected by global events
  • Students on courses with a large awarding gap
  • POLAR Q1 first year students
  • Returning repeating or interrupted students

Request a check-in for a student 

University staff members can request we check-in with a student. We'll ask them about their experience so far and link them with support if they need it. 

Please email the team at

If you have questions about the service, please get in touch with: 

Steph Scott 
Retention and Wellbeing Manager  


2024/25 Student Trends


Annual Summary 


Total number of calls made


Check-ins completed with students 


Follow ups with further support


Termly Reports

Read our Term 1 Summary Report 

Faculty specific reports listed below:

Faculty specific reports listed below:

Faculty specific reports listed below:


2023/24 Student Trends


Annual Summary 


Total number of calls made


Check-ins completed with students 


Follow ups with further support


Read our 2023/24 Annual Summary 

(PDF, opens in new window)


2022/23 Student Trends


Annual Summary 


Total number of calls made


Check-ins completed with students 


Direct referral for support


Read our 2022/23 Annual Summary 

(PDF, opens in new window)

Termly Reports

Read our Term 1 Summary Report 

Faculty specific reports listed below:

Faculty specific reports listed below:

Faculty specific reports listed below:


2021/22 Student Trends


Annual Summary 


Total number of calls made


Check-ins completed with students 


Direct referral for support


Read our 2021/22 Annual Summary 

(PDF, opens in new window)