Volunteering F.A.Q. 

For volunteers

Any activity that involves spending time, unpaid, doing something that aims to benefit the environment or someone (individuals or groups) other than, or in addition to, close relatives. Inside the SU, we credit your work as a club/society leader, programme rep, faculty officer, part-time officer and student council member as volunteering! If you’re ever in doubt, just ask us – suvolunteers@gre.ac.uk.
Log into your toolkit profile, and click ‘Learn more’ underneath the Log Your Hours and Skills’ tab. Then click ‘Log Hours’, which will take you through to the right page.
Yes, you will find an option on the ‘Log Hours’ page called ‘Add Non-Union Volunteering Role’.
As l long as these hours were completed whilst you were a student at the University of Greenwich, you will be able to backdate any hours that you have done.
Yes. You will find the option to ‘Log Training’, on the Training Courses page. Please keep a copy of evidence of attendance, as this may be required by a member of SU staff before you receive your award.
Any volunteering hours can be logged through your passport as well as on our toolkit, but completing any status of the GSCV award will earn you 15 points. Please refer to your University portal to find out more details.
Email suvolunteers@gre.ac.uk with your availability, and campus location.

For providers

Please download the instructions here
Firstly you have to sign up as a provider (instructions above). Once you have done this, make sure that you are logged in. You will then be taken to the ‘Opportunities’ section, where you just need to click ‘Add new opportunity’.
Please contact a member of staff through the following channels:
Email: suvolunteers@gre.ac.uk
Phone:0208 331 8376