

Women's History Month 

Women's History Month is an annual declared month that highlights the contributions of women to events in history and March is Women's History Month, a time to celebrate and recognise the many contributions of women throughout history. It is also a time to reflect on the progress that has been made towards gender equality and the work that still needs to be done to achieve it. March also encompasses International Women’s Day, celebrated on 8th March each year.


Liberation Lounge

The Liberation Lounge is a space for those who identify with any of our liberation groups to relax, unwind and make friends. Located on the first floor of Dreadnought by the Student group rooms, you'll find the following:

  • Private space for breastfeeding

  • Books, DVDs and resources to borrow

  • Children's games and activities

  • A comfortable and welcoming environment!

If you have any suggestions on how to improve this space, please email or speak to your Liberation chair.






Recommended Resources


Beat Helplines - offering support and information about eating disorders. These Helplines are free to call from all phones.
International Women's Day 2025 - Get Involved. 
Film Checklist - Discover a list of great films to watch this month (PDF). 
The Survivors Trust - organisation that supports and empowers survivors of rape, sexual violence and childhood sexual abuse.
Women's Aidproviding services in England to help victims of domestic abuse.



Supporting all Women on campus


Stay safe on and off campus - read about what safety measures the University have to help keep you safe.
Ask Angela - if you don't feel safe in the Lower Deck or The Deep End, ask one of our staff for Angela and our Bar Manager on duty will support you. 
Women's Liberation Network - join the Network and talk about Women's Liberation.
Free Period Products - pop by any of our Welcome Desks to pick up free period products.
Make a complaint - if you experience abuse on campus, then let us know.
woman and baby playing in sports hall at avery hill campus
Breastfeading spaces on campus - We have dedicated baby changing and breastfeeding facilities for parents across all three University of Greenwich campuses.