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How long have you been involved in sport?

I have been involved in sport since I was at primary school. I played on the boys football team and then became a referee at 14. Since then, I have been involved in sport as a hobby but also as my job. I currently work with Charlton Athletic Women as the Marketing Officer. 

Best thing about being part of a sport or sports team?

The best part about being in the team is having that sense of family. You are all there with the same passion for sport and you work together and motivate each other at training and during games to work as hard as you can. As the Chairlady this year, it is so rewarding to see players developing their football skills but also their confidence.

 Favourite sporting moment at Uni?

Being elected Chairlady of the Women’s Football team as it meant that myself and the rest of my committee were able to positively influence the team and promote women in sport on a larger scale. 

How does participating in sport positively effect your mental health?

First and foremost, I would say it definitely improves your confidence! On top of that, I use sport as an escape from everyday life. No matter what is going on, I know that every Sunday I have 90 minutes to escape and just focus on football. Participating in a team sport also reminds players that there is people around you that want to see you do well and to see you progress.

 What would you say to someone who might be interested in joining a sports team?

Do it! No matter what sport it is, being part of Team Greenwich is the best thing you can do whilst being at uni. Everyone starts with different abilities but it’s a fantastic way to improve yourself outside of academic studies. Push yourself, try something new, step outside your comfort zone and you might just fall in love with sports.