Important Dates
Welcome Fairs:
Avery Hill: Tuesday 14th September
Greenwich Campus: Friday 17th September
David Fussey Sports Hall, Southwood Site on the Avery Hill Campus
If you do not live or study at the Avery Hill Campus and would still like to get involved with the Women’s Basketball Team then there is a free shuttle bus which runs to and from the Avery Hill and Greenwich campuses (the timetable can be found on the Universities Website) or the 286 bus runs from Greenwich and stops directly outside the entrance to the Southwood Site.
Training Times:
Tuesday 6.30pm-8.30pm
We have one competitive team who play in the LUSL league playing against 5 other universities in London. As well as this we also play in the Women’s LUSL cup.
We also have a social team who are always welcome at training and we would love to see our social members at the games supporting the team.

Extra Bits
As a team we will be taking part in social events, making memories together and creating opportunities to bond as a team! Once every two weeks we will have a social where we will all meet at a chosen flat or venue to wind down and do something other than train together. This could be anything from a few drinks and a movie, as well as nights out in lower deck. We also try to go and see other basketball teams play in the area to broaden our basketball knowledge and support others who also enjoy our sport. Your social sec will be making every effort to arrange joint socials where we will get to spend time with other sports teams from Greenwich. Supporting other teams is important as not only does it show good sportsmanship but also means we too may receive support in return which is good for morale at our games!
Events and Sports Tour:
During the Easter break we go away with all the other teams to have a fun week, wear some great costumes and play some sports with some other universities. Last year we went away to Rimini, Italy with ILoveTour and will be planning to go away on tour again this year with Team Greenwich.
2021/22 Committee
Chairlady/captain: Elena Hassan
Vice-Chairlady/Vice-Captain: Jhary F.M. Gutierrez
Social Media Secretary: Dilpreet Kang
Coach: Ashley Thomas
Stay in Contact
If you would like any further information on any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact our Chairlady/Captain, Elena Hassan
Or stay in contact with us by following us on our social media pages where you can also message us and keep up to date with everything that we are doing.
Twitter: uoggators
Message from the Committee
We would like to say welcome to all new members and hello to our returning members. We will be around on both welcome fairs and during welcome week so please feel free to come by and say hello. Joining basketball can be beneficial as it will improve your fitness such as stamina as well as developing your hand-eye coordination for vital free-throws and will give you a bigger insight into the game of basketball. Most importantly we would like you to know that by joining the Greenwich Gators you are not just joining a team you are joining a family that is like no other. We look forward to having another great season both on the court and off the court!
Your Women’s Basketball Committee 2021/2022