vp education

Vivian van Lent

Campaigns update

This year the government announced a Higher Education bill that will lead to the biggest change in Higher Education in over a decade. This bill proposed the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF). This is a framework that will see the government monitoring and assessing the quality of teaching within England’s Universities. The rating system of this framework I likely to be linked with a raise of tuition fees. We believe that excellence teaching is a right for students, as is education and there should not be a price tag on this! We are working with the university to ensure that students are being treated as partners in this process. We successfully lobbied the university and with that secured a student task group that will be used to do a direct student consultation for the final TEF submission in December.
The new legislation proposes that the three different rating levels of TEF can be linked with a raise in tuition fees. This, however, is optional and up to each institution to choose if they want to implement this. Having a raise of tuition fees based on a ranking will only lead to institution pitting on providers against each other to chase income in a needlessly competition. Whilst institutions should collaborate, help and raise each other. This campaign is about raising the awareness that the teaching quality and student experience does NOT grow on fees.
Education should be a basic right for everyone! Unfortunately, this is not the case. Higher Education is under attack like never before. Further Education Colleges have been cut to the core, with huge job losses in course closures. In Higher Education, the fees keep on rising to these insane unaffordable amounts. NHS bursaries and maintenance grants are being scrapped. Student loan terms have changed without any clear communications to students. Tuition fees set to reach £12,000 by 2016! This is ridiculous and enough is enough! It is time to take a stand. NUS (National Union of Students) and UCU (the University & College Union) have joined forces and organised a National Demo on Saturday, the 19th of November. As we are aware that all these changes and cuts are affecting our students, we will join in on the Demo to raise awareness to our students as well as to send a clear message to Theresa May.
We believe that university is expensive enough as it is. In addition, you would think it is safe to assume that once you pay £9,000 pound per academic year it would cover all course related costs. Unfortunately, this is not always to case. We believe that the University needs to show transparency around this by publishing a list that is available to everybody, around any hidden costs that could influence students. They should also provide information on cheapest recommended options within, or around campus.
With the amount of tuition fees that each student pays there should be free printing and we do want to strive for this! However we do believe it is a basic necessity that students receive free printing when this is mandatory to their course. Or if would help them to make education more accessible due to their disability.
Students’ feedback is the key to improve and assure a good student experience! That’s why we and the University find it so important to hear back from students. We have been closely working together to improve the communication stream, as well as the University wide recognition for Programme Representatives. For the rest of the year we will continue the lobby, and work with the University to empower its Programme Representatives by giving them the confidence and support they need to deliver the best representing quality for their cohort. Furthermore we will introduce a new training programme that is accessible to all students that have been elected to be a Programme Representative.

The Student Led Teaching Awards (SLTA) have been championed across Universities in the UK since 2013 as a celebration of partnership and best practice in teaching. The Students’ Union University of Greenwich have presented their first addition of the SLTA in the academic year 2015/16.

The SLTA acknowledges the lectures and staff members from the University who are committed to delivering the best possible teaching and supervision within the student experience. These awards are completely student-led to ensure true authenticity for the recognition that staff members receive. This means that;

- Only students can nominate staff members

- Students sit on the board that discuss the nominees and winners

- Students assist and lead in the organising and presentation of the event

This year is going to be the second year that our students have a change to nominate lectures, tutors and other members of staff for the following awards:

• Outstanding Personal Tutor Award (1 Winner for each Faculty)

• Inspirational Teaching Award (1 Winner for each Faculty)

• Supervisor of the Year (1 Winner for each Faculty)

• Extra Mile Award (any UoG employee)

My role:

Contact me: 

Vivian  is based in the Students' Union on the Ground floor of Cooper Building (Greenwich Campus).
Email: vp.education@gre.ac.uk
Phone: 0208 331 9258
Twitter: @VPEGreenwich
Facebook: /VPEGreenwich