Your Part-time Officers
There are eleven voluntary Part-time Officer positions, with each of the Officers responsible for a specific portfolio. All Part-time Officers are members of the Union’s Executive Committee and the Union Council. They work closely with Sabbatical Officers, play a leading role in running the campaigns and assume an active role in promoting the Union and its values.
Like Sabbatical Officers, they are elected through cross campus elections in March with specific mandate to improve and enhance the student experience for the segment of the Student body for which they are responsible. But they also contribute to the well-being of the entire student body through their leading roles in running student-led campaigns.
Christopher Neal
Postgraduate and Part-time Students Officer
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Seraphina Simmons-Bah
Avery Hill Campus Officer
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Vivian van Lent
Greenwich Campus Officer
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Abiodun Philip Solanke
International Students Officer
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