Academic Changes 1:

Assessment Guidance Improvement

This priority was highlighted across four different consultations at both Greenwich and Medway with students detailing frustrations they had with current assessment guidelines and feedback. In the priority vote, 60% of students voted for this priority as their first or second preference.

Key Findings:

  • Students want more clarity and clearer guidance around assessments 

  • Assessment criteria for exams and coursework need to be universal across modules and degree programs

  • Agreed expectations from staff on what is needed from students in order from them to achieve their desired degree score

  • Academic organization needs changing at the University with robust communication between staff and students


" There is no standard form of feedback given from academics as we are always told different things, ultimately meaning there is no consistency in what is expected from us. "

What is the University currently doing?
The University has recently held student consultations regarding the Assessment and Feedback Policy which will be updated at the beginning of the next academic year 2019/20

Officer Team Action Plan:
These are the key actions laid out by the Officer team to address the Priority. A GSU Officer and Faculty Officers will work on these actions throughout the year and communicate their progress to students.

  • Ensure consistency across all schools in the release of exam timetables

  • Discourage bunching of exams and coursework in short periods of time

  • Look into peer to peer feedback systems

  • Encourage all courses to be doing Mock exams/formative assessments once a term

  • Guidance around how students can make the most of reading weeks

  • Investigate what can be done to support students with their dissertation other than supervisor meetings. 

  • Specific assessment guidance for each module handbook

Academic Changes 2:

Personal Tutor Support

This priority was highlighted across two different consultations in Greenwich, particularly from Postgraduate students who felt more could be done in how support is offered by personal tutors. In the priority vote, 45% of students voted for this priority as their first or second preference. 

Key Findings:

  • Support from Personal Tutors (PT) is crucial to a students’ academic experience.  

  • PT’s need to be contactable and pro-active in supporting students 

  • The role of a PT and how it benefits students needs to better communicated.

  • The PT selection process needs to be reviewed in order to ensure they can be relevant to the students they are paired with.

“Personal tutors should be selected who have regular interactions with students in lecturers and module seminars.”  

What is the University currently doing?
The University sets out the responsibilities and commitments of a personal tutor in its Personal Tutor Policy. Crucially stated are that “personal tutors’ advice on support systems within the University and provide guidance on University procedures to a student” (Student Attendance & Engagement Policy, March 2019) 

Officer Team Action Plan:
These are the key actions laid out by the Officer team to address the Priority. A GSU Officer and Faculty Officers will work on these actions throughout the year and communicate their progress to students.

  • Investigate the possibility of a system where you choose your personal tutor

  • Ensure personal tutors make the most of the induction period in communicating effectively with their students

  • Evaluation system by students to look at what makes an effective personal tutor and what qualities students’ value


Support to You 1:

Mental Health & Wellbeing 

This priority was highlighted the most in consultations with 71/251 respondents discussing the need for robust support for their Mental Health & Wellbeing. In the priority vote, 55% of students voted for this priority as their first or second preference. 

Key Findings:

  • Students highlighted Mental Health & Wellbeing as a key obstacle and challenge they personally face during their time at University 

  • Through participatory budgeting exercises, students voted for more funding on wellbeing services within the Students’ Union and University 

  • Support needs to extend outside academic life to those in halls and on placement

“My working hours put a lot of stress and strain on my mental health to the point where I have been very close to dropping out.”   

What is the University/Students’ Union currently doing?
The University/Students’ Union is currently undergoing an external review of its support services, upon which student consultations were held in June. Further to this, the Students’ Union Advice Service goes into the second year of its strategy.

Officer Team Action Plan:
These are the key actions laid out by the Officer team to address the Priority. A GSU Officer and Faculty Officers will work on these actions throughout the year and communicate their progress to students.

  • Look at how different rooms can address the different needs of students struggling with mental health.
    E.g Silent Room– either a room to shout in/ a confessions room
    Sensory room- a room with light textures and colors

  • Ensure evidence-based on mental health for extenuating circumstances is not rigid with the evidence students need to provide. 

  • Ensure there is clear information and timely availability for students to see counsellors for 1-to-1 sessions

  • Investigate opportunities for group therapy activities such as “tea and talks”.

  • Continue providing de-stressing activities such as swimming, cycling and therapy animals



Support to You 2:

Employability & Career Events  

This priority was highlighted in four consultations, especially by representatives in Faculty Forums and Postgraduate students. 45% of students voted for this priority as their first or second preference.  


Key Findings:

  • The University should hold more recruitment fairs throughout the year

  • There needs to be a specific focus for Postgraduate students and specialist career fields 

  • The transition from graduation to entering a career field needs to be better communicated to students in order to adequately prepare them. 

  • Events should be organized that connect students with the alumni community. 

“Career events are always dominated by the Business Faculty.”   

What is the University/Students’ Union currently doing?
The University currently provides students with a career service and employability support within each Faculty. The Dreadnought and GK Union space has been used previously for companies to advertise opportunities to students. 

Officer Team Action Plan:
These are the key actions laid out by the Officer team to address the Priority. A GSU Officer and Faculty Officers will work on these actions throughout the year and communicate their progress to students.

  • Lobby the university to implement industry places as apart of courses to ensure degrees as useful as apprenticeships. 

  • More networking opportunities for students if mentoring can’t be widespread between departments. 

  • Ensure every school provides opportunities for mock job days/assessments to try out roles/interviews

  • Make sure CV workshops are widely communicated and accessible to students

  • Greenwich version of NCS the challenge

  • Look at innovative ways to help students get advice on business plans and ideas they may want to peruse during and after university. 

E.g Introduce Burger and Business – free lunch and discuss business plans with similar people

  • Address the need for professional development skills to be incorporated into modules within courses. 


Opportunities to Me 1:

Course Based Social Events   

This priority was highlighted in four consultations, particularly in surveys and Greenwich based meetings. 54% of students voted for this priority as their first or second preference.  preference.

Key Findings:

  • Students want more social opportunities with people on their course or degree program 

  • Highlighted importance around the need to foster an active social community on courses 

  • Course-related events are more likely to be attended and well-received by students.  

“We need social opportunities that are relevant to people’s degrees, so socialization can be facilitated.”     

What is the University/Students’ Union currently doing?
The University has invested in an academic communities’ program along with a designated coordinator to organize events and support academic societies. This will be continuing into the 2019/20 academic year.  

Officer Team Action Plan:
These are the key actions laid out by the Officer team to address the Priority. A GSU Officer and Faculty Officers will work on these actions throughout the year and communicate their progress to students.

  • Allow forums for academic society leaders and course leaders to communicate and work together on social events. 

  • Ensure robust advertisement and communication by academic staff about social opportunities within courses.

  • Make sure courses/departments with thriving social communities share best practice with others. *Look at which departments scored high and low on the NSS question 21: I feel part of a community of staff and students.



Opportunities to Me 2:

Socialisation & Integration  


This priority was highlighted in five consultations, particularly when discussing halls at Greenwich and Avery Hill. 42% of students voted for this priority as their first or second preference.   


Key Findings:

  • Highlighted was that a student community atmosphere was lacking at the University.  

  • The student community needs changing and improving to effectively adapt to how people use their spare time. 

  • In student halls, a student community needs developing. 


“International students should be better supported in halls through social drives and initiatives.”      

What is the University/Students’ Union currently doing?
The University currently runs a RESLIFE program in student halls and is undergoing various research projects into the life of students in halls including how people are paired with one another. 

Officer Team Action Plan:
These are the key actions laid out by the Officer team to address the Priority. A GSU Officer and Faculty Officers will work on these actions throughout the year and communicate their progress to students.

  • Ensure our membership demographic is representative of the university population (members of societies and sport groups). 

  • Allow more opportunities for socializing throughout the year than just during the week of Welcome. 

  • Showcase societies more widely around the university so that students are aware of the opportunities where they can socialise with others.  

  • Make sure that events by the SU are consistent throughout the academic year and diverse in their appeal. 

  • Ensure as many groups as possible hold events during the welcome period 

  • Investigate what students want from events tailored for those living in halls.  


Greenwich Campus 1:

Promote & Widen Activities    

This priority was highlighted in two consultations held on the campus. 39.5% of students voted for this priority as their first or second preference.   


Key Findings:

  • Effective communication to students on what activities on offer and how they can get involved. 

  • Wide range of activities available on campus; social, sport and academic orientated. 

  • Activities targeted at different demographics of students

  • Equal and accessible activities between Greenwich and Avery Hill campus


What is the University/Students’ Union currently doing?

Officer Team Action Plan:
These are the key actions laid out by the Officer team to address the Priority. A GSU Officer and Faculty Officers will work on these actions throughout the year and communicate their progress to students.




Greenwich Campus 2 :

Social Spaces Development 


This priority was highlighted in three consultations held on the campus by 54 students. 47% of students voted for this priority as their first or second preference.   

Key Findings:

  • Effective communication to students on what activities on offer and how they can get involved. 

  • Wide range of activities available on campus; social, sport and academic orientated. 

  • Activities targeted at different demographics of students

  • Equal and accessible activities between Greenwich and Avery Hill campus


What is the University/Students’ Union currently doing?


Officer Team Action Plan:
These are the key actions laid out by the Officer team to address the Priority. A GSU Officer and Faculty Officers will work on these actions throughout the year and communicate their progress to students.



Avery Hill Campus 1 :

Support for Placement Students

This priority was a running theme identified in the core roadshow consultations held in Avery Hill. Out of 110 students who participated in the Avery Hill priorities vote, 47% of voters ranked this priority as their first preference.    


Key Findings:

  • Placement students faced unique challenges during their placement from the difficulty of reaching their placement due to where it is allocated and the financial repercussions of working 35 hours a week (unpaid) meaning they struggle to take up paid employment alongside this. 

  • January exam timetable schedules were a particular problem for placement students who have to revise as well as work their placement hours causing a lot of stress and anxiety for them. 

  • Mental health was identified as a key issue for placement students due to the long hours and nature of their work.    

  • The student community needs changing and improving to effectively adapt to how people use their spare time. 

  • In student halls, a student community needs developing. 


“We have a very stressful course and it is very important we get told what’s available in terms of support services at Avery Hill” 

What is the University/Students’ Union currently doing?
The SU has presented a paper on the experience of placement students at a SEC meeting and prompted the University to take relevant action. This will be more prominent as the latest NSS results showed students less satisfied with their placement experience than in the previous year

Officer Team Action Plan:
These are the key actions laid out by the Officer team to address the Priority. A GSU Officer and Faculty Officers will work on these actions throughout the year and communicate their progress to students.

  • Lobby the residence team for allocated quite halls which are accessible to placement students 

  • SU to advocate for placement friendly spaces in the future Avery Hill development strategy 

  • More academic community events tailored for placement students to ensure there is a thriving support network

  • Ensure there are active Programme reps on placement courses to ensure effective academic representation 

  • Communication drives to keep students informed about how the SU is relevant to them and what support is on offer such as the Advice Service  



Avery Hill Campus 2 :

Dome Space Investment


This priority was mentioned in three different consultations held in Avery Hill. 47% of voters ranked this priority as either their first preference or second preference.     

Key Findings:

  • Avery Hill residents discussed the need for 24-hour access to The Dome and gym. 

  • More investment is needed to improve the social spaces for both socializing and studying. 

  • More resources and equipment are needed in the Dome, e.g vending machines, printers and water fountains

What is the University/Students’ Union currently doing?
The University is currently in the process of drafting plans to develop the Avery Hill campus over the next three years. 

Officer Team Action Plan:
These are the key actions laid out by the Officer team to address the Priority. A GSU Officer and Faculty Officers will work on these actions throughout the year and communicate their progress to students.

  • More social spaces should be developed around the campus so that the Dome is not the only space students can use. 

  • SU owned commercial space/events in the Dome should be looked into to see feasibility and appetite from students. 

  • The SU office should be more integrated with the Dome space and venue 

  • Ensure the Dome is a suitable social hub for residents, commuter students and student groups.  


Medway Campus 1 :

University Bus Times & Quality


This priority was mentioned in five different consultations held in Medway. 68% of voters on the campus ranked this priority as either first or second preference.      

Key Findings:

  • Bus times need to be varied throughout the day than sporadic.

  • University bus costs are higher than what Kent students pay to get to the campus. 

  • Issues around bus quality and service delivery identified by students

  • Events at Greenwich should be accessible to Medway students by offering a bus back to the Medway campus in the evening. 

What is the University/Students’ Union currently doing?
The University has recently made improvements to the bus service timetable with evening buses back from Greenwich to the Medway campus.

Officer Team Action Plan:
These are the key actions Officers laid out in the Officer Away Day to address the Priority. A GSU Officer and Faculty Officers will work on these actions throughout the year and communicate their progress to students.

  • #DiscoverMedway map to be more publicised with informing students about the bus times.

  • Bus times to be communicated on screens in GK and around the University.  

  • Rating system of bus journeys to track the quality of the service for students. 

  • Lobby the university for a bus stop on the upper east road (outside halls of residences) for students finishing lectures to have more options across the campus to catch their bus on time. 


Medway Campus 2 :

Improving Student Spaces



This priority was mentioned in highlighted as a key issue in consultations held with SAM (Students at Medway committee) and at the Engineering & Science faculty forum. In the priority ballot 71% of voters on the campus ranked this priority as either first or second preference.      

Key Findings:

  • Students want more improvements in the sport facilities as well as social spaces throughout the entire campus

  • GK facilities and outlets need to be accessible to students e.g bar prices, appeal to residents and times of events. 

  • Student spaces and events need to be relevant to what students want to engage with.

What is the University/Students’ Union currently doing?

Officer Team Action Plan:
These are the key actions laid out by the Officer team to address the Priority. A GSU Officer and Faculty Officers will work on these actions throughout the year and communicate their progress to students.

  • Review the process by which the sports hall is accessed and booked by students. 

  • Look to centralize booking systems for student spaces to be more accessible to students. 

  • #DiscoverMedway map to be developed and more publicized on media channels.

  • Ensure SAM and student representatives are consulted/co-design any future student spaces being developed on the campus. 

  • Students consulted year-round on GK facilities, outlets and events.