Our Aims
Our society aims to unite women to support one another and build new connections. We welcome all women. We are dedicated to helping women combat different inequalities and enhance their knowledge of the legal sector. This society will create a safe space to fight for gender equality, as legal industries are male-dominated. We will provide diverse experiences, such as networking events, valuable insights to strengthen CVs, applications, interview tips and social events with our members. We want to empower women so that they are the best version of themselves so they can succeed in their future careers.
The Founders

President Michelle Azeez
Aspiring Medical Negligence Solicitor
Treasurer Zaynah Chowdhury
Aspiring National Security Legal Advisor
Enquiry Officer- Aimée Dearden-Pierce
Aspiring Criminal Barrister
Marketing & Social Media officer- Ruhena Begum
Aspiring Commerical law solicitor
Our Committee
President- Michelle Azeez
Contact: ma9761o@gre.ac.uk
Treasurer- Zaynah Chowdhury
Contact: zc1413x@greenwich.ac.uk
Enquiry Officer- Aimée Dearden-Pierce
Contact: ad7034h@greenwich.ac.uk
Marketing/Social Media Officer- Ruhena Begum
Contact: rb8584f@greenwich.ac.uk