Welcome to the University of Greenwich St John Ambulance society!
Who are we?
Formerly known as Greenwich LINKS, we are a society run by students, for students teaching first aid skills for both routine and emergency situations. Society members can then choose whether or not to volunteer with St John Ambulance at events and put those new skills into practice! If you are looking to try and learn a new skill, why not give first aid a try? You will make tonnes of new friends, improve teamwork and leadership skills, as well as being able to save a life or two in the process.
We’ll have you from zero to hero in no time!

What do we do?
We teach first aid skills from CPR to spinal immobilisation to dealing with a drink friend after a night out (let’s admit, this will happen often!) Members can then volunteer with St John Ambulance as a first aider at many events nationwide throughout the year, including premier league football matches, Wimbledon, Hyde park concerts, London New Year’s Eve fireworks and many, many more! Throughout the year we have many socials such as movie nights, out for drinks and the famous Student Volunteering Ball! We plan to do fundraising events throughout the year, so keep an eye out on our social medias for more info and how to get involved.

What is St John Ambulance?
St John Ambulance (SJA) is the nation’s leading first aid charity. Every year, more than 800,000 people learn how to save a life through their training programmes, including hundreds of thousands of young people. SJA volunteers provide first aid in their communities, keeping people safe at events, and working alongside the NHS in response to 999 calls. SJA are always campaigning to raise awareness of first aid and directly educate the public.
First aid is such a simple skill, but it has an incredible impact. SJA want everyone to learn it, so that they can be the difference between a life lost and a life saved.
President: Ben Wicks
Unit Manager: Thomas Armstrong
Secretary/ Vice President: Jake Hart
Treasurer: Thomas Armstrong
Events Lead:
Logistics Lead:
Fundraising Lead:
Socials Lead: Megan Dobson

Where we meet
We meet every Tuesday 7pm-8pm at the Mezzanine at Medway and at (Room to be confirmed by GSU) at Avery Hill campus.
If you live in Greenwich the free university bus runs every half hour to and from the Greenwich campus until late, so it is perfect to get you to the society!
Membership is FREE, we want to teach the basics for the most amount of people witohut finances being the issue.
Contact us
Email: Ben.wicks2@sja.org.uk
Instagram: @SJA_UoG