Student Media


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Student Media

This is your student media hub!

Student media is the place to find out about what's happening on campus direct from your fellow students.

Whether it's political, sport, music or more, it's up to students to create the content. 

Here at Greenwich Students' Union you can find support and resources to get creative, have your voice heard and be the change.




Two students with tablet

How to join

Discover one of our Student Media Societies, sign up and get involved. 



The Crow's Nest





Start a Student Media group

It's worth having some experience before setting up a Student Media Society. You can discuss with us online to find out more about how we can help with funding, promotion and the other perks of being a student group.


Start a new Society




Radio studio


Take a look at some of the work that our Student Media groups have done.

What happens when gaming and fitness come together? (opens in new window) - The Crow's Nest

Keeping a healthy diet at University (opens in new window) - The Crow's Nest






There are two spaces in Dreadnought specifically for Student Media use.


Radio Studio


Radio Studio

The Students' Union's radio room is in the heart of Dreadnought on the ground floor. The room is soundproofed with multiple microphones set up. It's a professional set-up with mixing desk and software.

Dreadnought Building


Student Media Room 

Located next to the radio room in the Dreadnought building is the student media room. Within this room you'll find a Mac and the room is set-up to allow space for a simple filming project.