Tamil Society

Greenwich Tamil Society is a cultural society which provides students an opportunity to learn and celebrate the richness of the oldest surviving classical language in the world.

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Who are we?

Greenwich Tamil Society is a cultural society formed by Greenwich students which provides other students (from Greenwich University and other universties) an opportunity to learn and celebrate the richness of the oldest surviving classical language in the world.  Events can be embraced by both those who are from a Tamil background as well as those who wish to gain the experience. As a society, we will provide fun and enjoyable events allowing members to meet and make long-lasting friends.














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Buy your membership

  • Tamil Society Membership£4.00


  • The Journey Of Sam Suri Fri 26 Feb 2021 - FREE£0.00
  • Tamil Society Associate Membership£36.00
  • Game Night 2 Tue 16 Mar 2021 - FREE£0.00


There are no scheduled events. Contact us for future events.