UCU Strike Support Referendum 2023

Should GSU support the 18 days of UCU Strike Action between March and April 2023? - The 'No' case

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Strikes have the potential to cause disruption across the University of Greenwich, with missed lectures, untaught module content and an altered academic experience.

There are several different reasons that students may want Greenwich Students’ Union to not support the 18 days of UCU strikes by voting NO which could include:

1.     With potentially cancelled lectures and seminars across university faculties, strikes will lead to lost learning potentially causing further impact on assessments. Students may wish to vocalise that they do not wish for further disruption to their academics.

2.     There is currently no end date for the strike action therefore the long-term impact on students is unclear at this current time.

3.     The proposed marking boycott could provide a knock-on effect to degree progression which could impact students across the University.

4.     It is not currently clear regarding the impact of missed activity on whether this be rescheduled or repeated alongside the impact of the loss of learning and contact hours, especially for those students who have limited contact hours

By saying NO, students are not necessarily saying you do not acknowledge the difficulties of lecturers and academics are having in relation to pay, workload and casual contracts, you are saying no to the impact that striking could have on your education at the University.

The University of Greenwich response to the strikes can be found here A message from Vice-Chancellor Professor Jane Harrington: UCU Strike Action – University Position Statement | Articles | University of Greenwich alongside the Student Specific Guidance here Strike information for students | Articles | University of Greenwich - as the University continues to not meet UCU's demands, the strikes may continue to affect students education

You can also hear from UCU directly through the University of Greenwich UCU webpage in which they outline their reasons for striking - University of Greenwich UCU

By voting NO, you will be telling the Greenwich Students' Union that they should not support the strike action due to the potential disruption it is causing to students' experiences and the possible impact it is having on students from across the University Community.