Mathilda (Tilda) Johnson

Hockey Club Social Secretary and Faculty Officer for Education and Health

Meet Mathilda (Tilda) Johnson. She’s our new #ProudtobeGRE profile to highlight the importance of key campaigns this year such as This Girl Can, ActiveGRE and the upcoming Varsity 2019.

What do you study?

I’m studying Primary Education (2-Year Accelerated), BA Hons.

What attracted you to the University of Greenwich?

The two-year degree was the first thing that interested me, after visiting the open day, I felt it was a good fit for me. The sports facilities at Avery Hill were great, the campus felt like a community and Greenwich itself is beautiful. For students looking to come now, they have the brand-new Dreadnought building which is amazing! 

What makes you Proud to be GRE?

The constant support and drive of the Activities department! They strive for all their Sports Teams and Societies to be the best and this is so empowering. Alongside this, the support of my Hockey family!

Do you have any advice for new students starting?

Come for a degree but have fun on the way! Join a Sports Team or a Society, make friends and build a solid support system around you that you can rely on both academically and socially. It will be the best thing you do!

What opportunities has The University of Greenwich given to you?

The opportunities to grow outside of my degree, helping me develop transferable skills I take with me after my degree. I am on the committee for the Hockey Club as social secretary, Faculty Officer for Education and Health and work within the Students’ Union. The opportunities are endless if you show willing and strive to achieve!