Luke Ellis

Vice President Welfare

Luke is based in the Students' Union Building on the Ground Floor of Cooper Building (Greenwich Campus). Luke also spends dedicated time at the Avery Hill and Medway campuses each month.

  0208 331 8479

Age 22
Hometown London
Previous SU experience

Bartender, Receptionist, Student Voice and HR Support Worker, Local Media Sales Coordinator, Programme Rep, and Business Faculty Officer…. Wow, that’s a list!

Favourite spot Queen Mary Undercroft
Favourite band/artist Sam Smith
Favourite Movie Either, The Panic Room, or Guardians of the Galaxy (1 and 2!)
I can’t live without… My phone!
My plans for this year

1. Make sure your voices are heard within the University when liberation issues are discussed.

2. Start work on fixing the local private housing issue, to ensure you live comfortably; safer, and to make sure it’s affordable!

3. Complete the Mental Health Strategy, and Equality Strategy (making University as amazing as I can!)


Luke's Music