The Medway Activity Awards Winners '24!

Check out our winners of Medway Activities Awards '24

Aminul Officer Greenwich with backdrop Awards

We would like to thank students from all of our societies and sports clubs for their dedication and hard work over the past year – you should all be proud of what you have achieved!

On the 17th May in The Deep End, we awarded and celebrated with Medway Students from our societies and sports clubs. It was an evening filled with laughter, good food and magic tricks! Please see below for the winners ’24:


Committee of the Year

The Climbing Club

Fundraiser of the Year

Islamic Society

Lasting Impact

Midwifery Society

Marketing Award

Forensic Science Society

Event of the Year

Islamic Society with their Iftar event

Outstanding Contribution to Sport

Samer Abreek - Climbing Club

Sportsperson of the Year

Rebecca Miller - Women's Basketball

Captain of the Year

Shyanne - Netball Club

Team of the Year

Netball Club

Most Improved Society

Sri Lankan Society

Academic Society of the Year

MPSA Society

Outstanding Contribution to Societies

Isaac Baroi - Bengali Society

Society of the Year

Music Society

Best New Society

United Tamil Society


If you are interested in setting up or joining a society or sports club, please fill out this form. 





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