Your GSU Officers talk Rental Reform in Parliament

In July, your 2023/24 Officer Team attended an All Party Parliamentary Group in Westminster to advocate for your concerns surrounding rental rights and housing for students in Greenwich and beyond. Read this article by GSU President Anuj about his reflection on this experience.

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GSU Officers

On Wednesday the 5th of July, we GSU Officers had the privilege of attending the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG), which was centred around the Renters' Reform Bill and the effect it will have on students nationally. During the meeting, we engaged in meaningful discussions about rental reform and the significant challenges that students in our community face. As a student leader, I am truly grateful for the productive and engaging dialogue that transpired, especially concerning the serious housing issues faced by students in Greenwich. The opportunity to collaborate with local Members of Parliament (MPs) shed light on the specific issues prevalent in our community and allowed us to explore potential solutions.

A major point of our discussion was the imperative for rental reform to ensure fairness and equity in housing practises for students. Throughout the meeting, we identified several critical areas requiring immediate attention. Foremost among them was the unanimous agreement to prioritise the expansion of affordable housing options tailored to students.

As student leaders, we were given the chance to offer significant input on the challenges confronting our respective university student bodies. In this regard, I was able to present the concerns and anxieties expressed by Greenwich students, elaborating on their housing situations concerning rent and their limited rights as tenants. I urged the attendees to explore routes for enhancing support for the entire Greenwich student community across all of our campuses.

Additionally, I proposed for the implementation of robust tenant laws specifically designed to ensure safe and habitable living conditions for students studying in the UK. This Proposal arose from highlighting of significant obstacles such as poor maintenance, substandard facilities, and unresponsive landlords, all of which have adverse effects on students' well-being.

Lastly, the invaluable insights and contributions of student leaders from various universities further enriched our understanding of the issues at hand. The dedication and expertise of the meeting members undoubtedly enhanced our discussions and will guide our future endeavours. As we move forward, we are collectively committed to maintaining momentum and effective collaboration to drive meaningful and positive change.

In conclusion, the recent APPG meeting on rental reform and landlord and student issues served as an empowering platform for gaining a deeper comprehension of the challenges confronting our student community. By leveraging our collective influence, we steadfastly pursue impactful change, ensuring that every student has access to secure, affordable, and suitable housing options.



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