World Mental Health Day 2022

Here at the University of Greenwich Students’ Union, supporting your mental health is a top priority. On World Mental Health Day 2022, this is a reminder to check in on yourself and reach out if you would like support.

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World Mental Health Day 2022 Poster with 2 male cartons sitting next to each other having a concerne

Here at the University of Greenwich Students’ Union, supporting your mental health is a top priority. On World Mental Health Day 2022, this is a reminder to check in on yourself and reach out if you would like support.


University of Greenwich Students’ Union Advice Service

The Students’ Union Advice Team offers free and confidential advice for students at the University of Greenwich. The team is independent of the University, as is the Union, meaning they can give you an impartial view and support on any issues you face. The team is able to support you directly with some issues and link you with other services if they can't help directly. 

You can get in touch through our website

University of Greenwich Wellbeing Services

The University of Greenwich offers a whole host of Wellbeing Support to students across academic years and across campuses. You can find out all about what they offer through the Wellbeing Hub at Wellbeing hub | University of Greenwich

Samaritans (Call 116 123)

Samaritans is a unique charity that is there, day or night, for anyone who is struggling to cope, and who needs someone to listen without judgment or pressure. They can support with ways to cope and the skills to be there for others alongside promoting and celebrating moments of connection and support but most of all, offer listening and support to people in times of need.

You can contact them by calling 116 123 (free)


Spectrum.Life (Call Freephone UK: 0800 0318227)

Spectrum.Life is a new Student Assistance Programme, providing students with access to counseling support to help students cope and deal more effectively with any personal problems. Spectrum.Life will give you access to fitness plans, recipes, and eLearning content related to remote working, sleep, and mental health among other topics. In addition, you will have access to numerous health and wellbeing related rewards such as discounted Fitbit Fitness Trackers!  The platform also gives you direct access to your Student Assistance Programme (SAP). SAP is a confidential in the moment support service that provides support to university students. The SAP service is available 24/7, 365 days a year covering numerous topics such as: Stress, Anxiety, Low mood, financial worries, Loss & Grief, Relationship problems, Substance abuse issues, and much more.

You can contact them by calling 0800 0318227 (free) or find out more about the service here: Introducing Spectrum.Life - our new Student Assistance Programme | Articles | University of Greenwich



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