Varsity - The Virtual Era - The Winner!

Discover who won the first every virtual Varsity tournament between Team Greenwich and Team LSBU!

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Varsity the Virtual Era Greenwich VS Southbank

On Wednesday the 24th of March 2021 two universities fought it out in the first ever Virtual Varsity.

Whilst activities couldn't take place in person this year, teams signed up for challenges to take part in to earn points for their university.

The two teams Team LSBU for Southbank and Team Greenwich for University of Greenwich took part in five fitness team challenges and the day saw a series of individual challenges for people to sign up to as well.

There was all a battle in the realm of eSports this year which saw two Societies go head to head at League of Legends.

You can watch the entire day on our YouTube Channel here.

The winners are:

You can see our leaderboard for the final points total here.

Well done to everyone for participating in Varsity this year!



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