The Student Complaints Process: Explained

Unfortunately, sometimes things go wrong when you're a student. Find out about the complaints process and where to go for more info.

Purple banner saying "The Student Complaints Process: Explained" and a picture of two people sat in

We hope that while you're a student at the University of Greenwich you have an amazing time, and that you feel supported throughout your student journey. However, sometimes things go wrong and you may feel that you have not received the education or service that you can reasonably expect.  In these cases it is important you understand your rights and options to get these concerns addressed. 

The University define a complaint broadly as “an expression of dissatisfaction by one or more students about a university’s action or lack of action, or about the standard of service provided by or on behalf of the university.” This means you could complain about lots of different things, including (but not limited to), teaching. delivery of the programme, administration, quality of facilities and resources or a failure to meet obligations. 

The process has time limits and specific forms that you need to fill out, as well as limitations on what you can complain about and the outcomes you can ask for. We have lots of thorough information about the Student Complaint Process on the Advice section of our website click here to find out all the important information you need to know if you want to make a complaint.



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