Students create solutions at Student Assembly

Students worked together to discuss topics that affect students. Find out what was resolved.

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Students gathered

Last Tuesday (12th October), Greenwich Students’ Union (GSU) held its first Student Assembly where students met to discuss topics that were important to them at university.  

The items discussed were:  

  • How should GSU respond to the timetable issues?  

  • Online teaching - has the offer met student expectations? 

  • Online Exams for third year students    

  • IT, WI-FI and Moodle User experience   

  • Extra-curricular activities   

Students spend time discussing these items in groups before producing a list of “Asks,” which are the actions that they want Greenwich Students’ Union to act on.  

This collaborative working approach helps to set out what the Union should ask the University of Greenwich (UoG):  

  • In term 2 can UoG give an update explaining the system of timetabling and email students about the confusing aspects of online timetables? 

  • GSU should write to the Vice-chancellor about timetabling asking that they ensure a smooth process for timetabling next year that avoids retention issues and negative perceptions of UoG.  

  • Union to raise the issue of microphoning up around the Hi-Flex classes so students online can hear the whole room, not just the Lecturer for a more collaborative learning environment.  

  • Take the suggestion of online exams to the University for second and third years.  

  • Union to explore the online exam and assessment situation, specifically about when students will be given the chance to practice in-person exams formatively. 

Students really care about their education and believe that when the Students’ Union works with the University of Greenwich, the voice of students can be heard.  

Usually, any policy or direct actions from Student Assembly will be taken to an online vote for the students to decide what they want GSU to do. However, as all these suggestions are insight gathering or advice to Officers they have been taken as friendly by the chair Aatika Ayoub. This means they do not need to be voted through and will be worked on.  

Greenwich Students’ Union will be looking to make positive resolutions with the University of Greenwich to support students on the above topics. 

If you would like to submit a topic to discuss at the next Student Assembly you can do so here: 

If you would like to be invited to the next Student Assembly please fill out this link here: 

The next Student Assembly is Friday December 7th 3pm-5pm. 




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