Student Priorities for the academic year 2022/23

This year's biggest priority is Employability & Graduate Prospects! Read the full article and learn more about how as your Students’ Union, we can now work to represent your interests in the best and most effective way.

Student Priorities GSU 2022/2023


You, as Students, told us that this Academic Year, Employability & Graduate Prospects is YOUR biggest priority! As your Students’ Union, we can now work to represent your interests in the best and most effective way. 

Whilst you told us that Employability & Graduate Prospects is the most important priority, we want you to know we are also working on the other priorities that you voted on:

Closing the BAME Awarding Gap

  • Working closely with the University Awarding Gap Group to provide a cross-institutional approach
  • Supporting Student Inclusivity Consultants work with students to close the Awarding Gap
  • Collaborate with the University on their Black History 365 Project to ensure it is a topic not just talked about in Black History Month


Cost of Living

  • We are offering Free Breakfasts on campus to students who need it twice a week
  • Undertaking a research project to discover what support students need and their opinions on the universally rising costs
  • The Officers are engaged in a National Conversation surrounding student support and liaising with other Students' Unions
  • We’re starting a pay it forward scheme in our commercial outlets to help support you with a hot meal if you need it
  • We are starting a Cost of Living Plan page to keep you up to date on what we’re doing to support you


International Student Support

  • Global runs a suite of student-led authentic events with International communities, including Diwali, Baba Marta and Thanks Giving!
  • Campaigning for Food Diversity on Campus so students can have a taste of home while they are at Greenwich
  • Working to support students of different faiths through timetabling and accessibility support
  • Global Trips gives international students low-cost opportunities to travel to the UK…..Next stop Oxford!
  • Global English helps students increase their casual English for social inclusion, this is run by the Library and teaches things like the use of slang or phrases ‘local English‘. 
  • Global Presents is a monthly night out offering In Lower Deck for students to enjoy a cultural variety of music on nights out.


Loneliness on Campus

  • Global Greenwich runs a Café with the chaplaincy team to tackle loneliness and homesickness (all students can attend)
  • Supporting students to find other students to be roommates in private accommodation throughout London
  • Running social events such as Speed Friending to help students to meet other students with similar and diverse interests
  • Running regular daytime and evening events to ensure students have the opportunity to meet others at a time and in a space that suits them



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