Our work this year

Our strategy - GSU Plan 2026 - is our plan that will take us to the next level. We have created a work plan for the 2023/24 academic year that we're sharing with you - our members - so you can see what we're doing to support your university experience!

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Collage of pictures of 10 students - one student per photo - with text in the top right hand corner

Our strategy - GSU Plan 2026 - is the plan that will take us to the next level. We have created a work plan for 2023/24 that we're sharing with you - our members - so you can see what we're doing to support your university experience!

In July 2023, staff at the Union took part in a three-day conference to plan our work and objectives - projects and initiatives that we aim to achieve this year.

This new and innovative way of annual planning at Greenwich Students' Union (GSU) came out of feedback from our staff that they wanted to have a renewed and shared vision going into the 2023/24 academic year linked to our GSU Plan 2026. The Senior Leadership Team at GSU addressed this feedback and created the idea for an organisation-wide planning conference to allow everyone time to create ideas, agree on objectives per department and start sharing ideas for collaboration.

There are four teams in the Union focused on our membership - students of the University of Greenwich. These teams provide spaces, events, services, activities, and support for all students in various ways. Alongside this, we have two teams who we see as Strategy Enablers - teams that support our forward-facing teams to achieve their goals of supporting our membership. The results of the conference and each team's objectives for the year are listed below.

You can see the results of the conference and each team's objectives on our GSU Plan Objectives page. You can also find out more about each team, and how they’ll measure their success.

If you want to find out more about any of our work, get in touch at greenwichsu@gre.ac.uk.



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