Open Pantry Update

The Pantry will no longer be stocked from the week of the 5th Dec. Thanks to everyone who used the service, we hope it was helpful. We will continue to support you with Free Community Breakfasts

Avery Hillcost of livingMedway
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Open Pantry Update Poster

This term we have been trailed supporting you by opening a pantry on campus. As the term draws to a close we’re reviewing how we support you access food on campus.  

The Pantry will no longer be stocked from the week of the 5th Dec. Thanks to everyone who used the service, we hope it was helpful.  

We will continue to support you with Free Community Breakfasts. In collaboration with the University of Greenwich, we are piloting Free Community Breakfasts open to all students on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 10am-12 on each campus from 29th November until 15th December.? 

You can also access support through local food projects  - We have collated information on local food banks near each campus that you can access. 

A full list of supports around Cost of Living can be found here -   Cost of living support - find out about the different ways we are supporting you | Articles | University of Greenwich 

Keep an eye on our website news to learn how we will support you in Term 2.



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