Life Membership Awards 2021

Discover who has been given a Life Membership at Greenwich Students' Union this year.

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Nick Jones holding rugby balls

There was a callout for Life Memberships at Greenwich Students' Union in May 2021. These recognise members who have gone above and beyond through showing continuous commitment to improving the Greenwich community.

The members who have been awarded have be part of various activities, you'll see Faculty Officers, Team Greenwich leaders, Society Leaders and more on the list below.

We can now announce the students who have been awarded Life Membership and some of the reasons why they were nominated:

Ryan Bryce - A STAART Ambassador, former President of the LGBTQ+ Society, and working at the University. 'Ryan is not only a known face around the campuses; they have also been actively involved with furthering student's rights and comfort for the four years they have studied at the University of Greenwich.'

Nick Jones - Led The Crow's Nest and the UoG Rugby Club. 'He has been involved with the GSU since he was in his first year and has done amazing activities as well as being the sport representative at the SU in his last year.'

Zaynah Muttur - A PGCE student who constantly engaged with GSU events whilst at the University. Helping out in a range of areas.

Luke Arscott - 'As a Faculty Officer, Luke has been key to bringing change to Medway through GKSU forums and FES meetings.'

Haidur Asif - 'Haidur, for the last three years has worked incredibly hard for the K-Soc Society, not only as a regular member of the committee but also as Vice President and eventual President.'

Lidia-Marilena Stoica -  Social Secretary, then President of the Criminology Society, Outreach Ambassador, as well as a Programme Representative and School Representative.

Annie Blombach - 'She has played a lead role at three different student groups: SODA (Society of the Dramatic Arts), TCN (The Crow's Nest) & Femsoc. She has worked three different job roles at Greenwich: Change Coffee Barista, Lower Deck, Covid Ambassador and she has also played the key role of Programme Representative for her Creative Writing course.'

Bradie McDaid - 'Even though we were experiencing a pandemic which stopped many in their path Bradie was determined not to let this stop him and his work as a GSU Liberation Organiser and GSU Society board member for PolsOC.' and someone else says: 'There is no better Education studies student representative thank Bradie Mcdaid.'

Jason Jeevaruban - 'He’s always there for people and also loves to put a smile on people’s faces. He’s a great motivator and he’s getting us through year 3.'

We thank all of these students for their contribution.



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