How to manage your money properly

Are you having money worries, or do you just want to ensure you're on top of your finances? Discover where you can get the support you need to manage your money.

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We know that students can find it very hard to make ends meet on a fixed budget and that finance is a major obstacle to academic progression.

We wanted to put a spotlight on the help and support that is available to you to get on track with your finances.

GSU Advice has put together a section on money in their online Advice Handbook. Topics include budgeting, understanding the cost of living and where to get advice on council tax exemptions.

A key part of the work that the Advice team does it to offer support and signpost to where you can get further help.

Debt is one of these areas where the team can help and they have lots of useful contacts to put you in touch with. Did you know the University has a hardship fund? You can find out more about this, the funding checklist and further debt advice in the Advice Handbook.

We recommend that you use the Advice contact form to seek support first before looking into debt help elsewhere as the friendly Advice Team understand how the processes work.

Simple budgeting tips

  • Always shop around for the best deals, especially when buying high priced items
  • Swap named brands for own brands (look on the back of the packet most of the ingredients are the same)
  • Buy clothes out of season, why pay full price for a big winter coat when you can get it half price in summer?
  • Keep an eye on your microtransactions, they all add up so make sure they are part of your budget
  • Use sites like TopCashBack to get money back on your purchases
  • Invest in a TOTUM Card to save money off lots of brands - use that student discount!

Useful links

Funding Checklist
Advice Handbook
Debt Advice
Greenwich Hardship Fund




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