Green Christmas ideas to help you spread the joy this year

This Christmas isn’t just about presents and good food, it’s about the environment too!

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Christmas box

This Christmas isn’t just about presents and good food, it’s about the environment too. These eco-friendly gift ideas are not only good for your wallet but the planet too.  


  • Bees wax wraps  

Beeswax wraps can be found for cheap or made as well. They can be moulded over any container and the best part is they’re waterproof, so the rain doesn’t have to stop that picnic in the park! Beeswax wraps become soft from the heat of your hands and once moulded over a container they’ll cool and stick. They are also freezer safe so that leftover lasagne can be saved for a later date. This is a great alternative to cling film which is a pain to use anyway!


  • Reusable cotton pads.  

If you know someone who uses cotton pads a lot maybe buy them a pack of reusable cotton pads. They last for a long time and can be cleaned easily literally by throwing them in the washer. They’re also better for your skin as they’re a lot less harsh than regular cotton pads and they waste less product as it doesn’t soak completely through and spill out the other side.  


  • Clothing bundles  

All you need to know is the clothing size of who the gift is for, and you can make them a clothing bundle from clothes found at charity shops, junk sales, car boot sales or even you own wardrobe. It’s a great way to give someone a new outfit for the new year without buying completely new.  


  • Vegan snack hamper  

There are some great vegan snacks out there and even if you don’t know a vegan you can give someone the gift of good snacks. You can find popcorn, crisps, sweets, chocolate and anything else they might like just look in the vegan snack section of any supermarket. This will stand them in good stead to try Veganuary in the new year.  


  • Look around local markets 

Markets are a great source of eco friendly products and its always great to shop local. Take a look around a market and see what gifts you can get, you may even be able to pick up some tasty food while you’re there. Make sure to check opening times for your local market first and give yourself enough time for a good look around.  




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