Get Involved on a National Scale

Find out more about how you can represent Greenwich students nationally by taking part in our Elections this term.

Picture of 5 young adults smiling (2 males and 3 females) they are pointing at a screen with an imag

At the Annual National Union of Students (NUS) National Conference, students and Officers from across Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and England will come together to focus on the next steps of the NUS’ New Vision for Education campaign, alongside building their #DecoloniseEducation campaign. You can find out more about the work the NUS does on their website.

We’re looking for six delegates to be elected this term to represent Greenwich students at the National Conference this year. Nominations close on 7th October. Voting opens Monday the 10th of October and closes Thursday the 13th of October. 

Jabed, your GSU President, says:

“Earlier this year I had the opportunity to attend the NUS National Conference. It was a great opportunity to represent Greenwich students at a national level and an excellent opportunity to speak to Delegates and leaders from across the UK. I would encourage anyone interested in shaping the future of higher education to stand as an NUS delegate.“  


How to stand? 

  1. Visit our website, and click on the role you want to nominate yourself for.
  2. Login and click save when your details are correct. 
  3. Then click 'Stand’ next to the role.  

Note: You can also nominate yourself as a Programme Representative, School Network Officer, and Disabled Student Network Chair; or if you know someone who would do a fantastic job you can recommend someone


If you have questions you can email us at and we will do our best to help. 


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