GSU Officer achievements in 2019/20

Your elected GSU Officers for 2019/20 highlight their key achievements over the last academic year.

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Four officers standing together

Greenwich Students' Union (GSU) Officers are elected each year to represent the views of all students and ensure you have a great time at Greenwich. In 2019, Henry, Mayo, Jono and Bilal were elected as individuals who ran on manifestos to deliver positive changes for you. Together they have accomplished great results. Let's have a look back on the year before the Officer Team changes over for the 2020/21 academic year.

Team GSU

The Officer team set our key objectives this year to support four key areas:
BAME Representation - Ensuring that our Elections, activities, events and campaigns were inclusive and open.

International Students - The team wanted to make sure they felt at home and their journey to Greenwich was supported. 

Medway Students - A closer relationship with GK Unions, Medway Community Organiser and the Engineering and Science Faculty Officers will ensure we always put Medway at the heart of our activities and representation.

Academics and Champions - If we want to reach and support as many students as possible, we need to connect to a wider network of staff to better influence your education and create Academic Communities.

Our accomplishments

As a team, the Officers achieved the following:

  • BAME votes were up by 7% in the GSU Elections and Medway votes up 25% - this is an indication that the campaigns have been effective in engaging these communities
  • Passing the Articles - which are key changes to the Union
  • General Election Voter Drive - we supported as many students getting registered as possible in the recent UK General Election
  • Student Assembly launched and was felt to be a success
  • NSS meetings, induction talks and shoutouts had the Officers talking to as many students as possible
  • Supported students through two sets of strikes, Covid-19 and discussions around Brexit
  • Supported a volunteering day

Here are their individual achievements:


  • Winter care packages supported our students at a time when the University can be quiet and lonely
  • Global Week and exhibition showcased students from around the world
  • Society Awards went online this year and recognised the amazing achievements of our student groups
  • Our wellbeing checklist was translated in Chinese to make it easier for new students
  • Welcome was easier for our international students with specific welcome talks and an improved support package
  • Job prospects are important to students so we supported Student Ambassadors with a workshop
  • We increased the number of Cultural Societies we have to thirteen
  • Library academia support


  • Black History Month was a core campaign that showcased great students, staff and alumni at Greenwich
  • Breaking Barriers was a BAME Leadership event that discussed the challenges and individual journeys BAME people have in their careers.
  • Medway students were introduced to the Vice-Chancellor
  • Scrapping the Personal Development Module Tool in Faculty of Engineering and Science
  • Reviews and improved the Faith Spaces on Campus in consultation with students of faith
  • A big push on the Medway Bus Service Consultations
  • Encouraging collaboration between the Employability & Careers Service and BAME Leadership


  • Supported the University with the Row Britannia Campaign
  • Worked with our partners at Charlton for a partnership day
  • Built relationships with Head of Departments across the University
  • Implemented the University Staff Hub on the GSU website
  • Supported People Leaders who are members of staff with new managerial responsibilities
  • Ran an online Team Greenwich Day
  • This Girl Can Week including an exhibition
  • Supported the Rainbow laces campaign to promote LGBT+ inclusion in sport
  • Hosted a virtual Sports Awards to recognise sport at Greenwich
  • Supported the GSU Elections with candidate support
  • Improved communication through monthly GSU lecture slides
  • Worked with ECS so that third-year group leaders could translate their skills at the Group Leaders Conference
  • Healthcare students campaign which supported over 600,000 students


  • Extenuating Circumstances (ECs) for long-standing fluctuating medical conditions are now automatic
  • More flexible EC Policy for both long term and during Covid-19
  • Interviewed the new Vice-Chancellor to answer your questions
  • University Mental Health Day Activity
  • Eco Team, Green Week and Fairtrade Fortnight support to ensure sustainability values are lived by our Union and University
  • SLTEF support and presentation
  • Recruitment of new Trustees for GSU



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