Extenuating Circumstances claim workshop

The Greenwich Students' Union Advice team are hosting four sessions in December to help you to navigate the Extenuating Circumstances claim process

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Extenuating Circumstances claim workshop Poster with Advice Service and Greenwich Students' Union Lo

The GSU Advice team is hosting four December sessions to help you navigate the Extenuating Circumstances claim process. The Extenuating Circumstances policy supports you if you are experiencing exceptional, unforeseen, and short-term events affecting your assessments.


In these hour-long sessions, we will walk you through the claim process:

  • Explain what an extenuating circumstance is
  • Show you what kind of evidence you will need to provide
  • Demonstrate how to submit your claim


There will be an extra half an hour at the end of the session to ask questions about individual circumstances and claims.


In-person Sessions, Academic Hub in Stockwell Street Library:

Online Sessions via Teams


Note: You'll need to book your preferred session otherwise you won't be able to attend the session or receive a Teams Link 



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