Managing Complaints and Conflict

When engaging in something you're passionate about, there can be disagreements and conflict. How conflict is handled can significantly impact the delivery of a student group.

running a committee
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Handling Informal Issues Within Your Committee

While we hope no issues arise, when engaging in something you're passionate about, there is the tendency for things to go wrong, disagreements to happen and for opinions to end in conflict. How committee members handle these kinds of issues and conflict can significantly impact the delivery of a student group. If there is an issue between committee members, it is the role of the President to aim to mediate a meaningful discussion to solve any of these issues. If you are a committee member who has an issue with the president, we advise you to talk to your secretary who can help mediate a discussion. 

If the problem escalates and the situation is not resolvable between the committee themselves, please do reach out to your Coordinator so they can mediate the conflict. This can entail a face-to-face meeting or an online discussion, to allow everyone to voice their opinion and move forward. 

If none of these options can resolve the conflict, and society members feel the complaint needs to be escalated further, particularly if you feel like a breach of the Code of Conduct has taken place, reach out to your coordinator and they can escalate the case to their manager if they feel like a serious issue is at hand. 

Handling informal Issues Raised By Members

If you hear of a complaint within your society, see if you can mediate the problem to create a safe environment for those affected or if possible act on their feedback to change the way the committee are delivering your activities. If the members wish to escalate the case, they can reach out to the coordinator of the society. To find out who the relevant coordinator is, see here (link to Meet The Team) and direct them to that coordinator. 

Handling Formal Complaints

If a committee member or a member raises a serious formal complaint, remember it is not your duty to solve the situation, it is your duty to advise them to escalate the process properly and signpost to where they can do this. Anyone can submit a formal complaint to the Union throughout the GSU website.

Submit a complaint here

Handling a disclosure

Naturally, in a position of power it is likely that if someone faces a sensitive issue within your student group, they may disclose some personal, concerning or sensitive information about themselves, others or a situation. It is important that if a student or committee member asks to talk to you about a sensitive topic you are well within your right to sign and post them to come and talk to a member of staff at the Students Union immediately. 

If someone does disclose sensitive information, remain calm and advise them that you are not best placed to provide them with support. Sign post them to contact the Students Union for the support they need. 


They can also use the links below to seek any support they may need. If you also need support following a disclosure, please reach out to the Union Advice Team for support on 

For mental health support: 

For sexual assault support: 




Safe zone app (inc safety on campus) 

Add advice section



Support Links

You may signpost sutdents to the links below to seek any support they may need. If you also need support following a disclosure, please reach out to the GSU Advice service on 

GSU Advice Service:

Mental health support: 

Sexual assault support: 




Safe zone app (inc safety on campus) 

Add advice section





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