Completing Risk Assessments

It is essential that we work with our Sports clubs and Societies to make sure all activities are risk assessed thoroughly, and that these risk assessments are followed accordingly.

health and safety

Why are risk assessments important?

Greenwich Students’ Union is a registered charity, and as such, we are legally responsible for all the activities of our Societies and Sports clubs. If there is evidence that the risks of these activities have not been sufficiently identified, managed, and reduced, then GSU is liable for the damage. This includes damage to people, property, and reputation. Therefore, it is essential that we work with our Sports clubs and Societies to make sure all activities are risk assessed thoroughly, and that these risk assessments are followed accordingly.

Annual Risk Assessments

For student groups that deliver regular activity that stays the same, it will be expected that you will need to have an annual risk assessment submitted to the Students Union for review and sign off each year.

You can find your previous annual risk assessment here.

You can submit your annual risk assessment for review here.

Deadline for annual submission: End of October, or 6 weeks after affiliation for all new groups.

If you cannot find a previous annual risk assessment for your student group, you can find a template below to update and submit.

Risk assessment template (societies)

Risk assessment template (sports)

One off Risk Assessments

When organising a new, unusual, or one-off activity/event/trip for your student group (this is not part of your annual risk assessment) you must complete a new risk assessment. Remember it is a legal requirement to have a risk assessment for all student group activity.

Once you are happy with your Risk Assessment, you can attach it to your event or trip form or send it over to, and a member of the activities team will get back to you to approve/amend the document.

Support for completing risk assessments

General Guidance

If you are unsure what to include, we fully recommend turning to google. Chances are, a similar Risk Assessment will exist, with hazards and precautions that you should look to include. If you are struggling to write a risk assessment you can speak to a member of staff in the Engagement and Opportunities Team for support.

Working with external partners

Make sure to ask for a copy of their own Risk Assessment, and email this over to us. If this is sufficiently clear, we are unlikely to need you to complete a Risk Assessment of your own.

High Risk Activities & Emergencies

High risk or outdoor pursuit activities must have an additional set of procedures to deal with the emergencies that are specific to their activity included in their risk assessments.


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