Completing Core Documents

As student groups are a legal part of GSU, it is a requirement that student groups complete and submit several official documents each year to ensure that we remain legally compliant.

running a committee
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Core documentation and tasks

As student groups are a legal part of GSU, it is a requirement that student groups complete and submit several official documents each year to ensure that we remain legally compliant. There are a number of documents that all groups will need and certain documents that only specific groups will need.

All Group Core Documentation

Code of Conduct

This needs to be read and signed by all committee members. All students at the University must obey this Code of Conduct, and if you break these rules, the Union has a duty to escalate the case.

View the code of conduct here


Every group must have a constitution document which outlines the aims, objectives and goals of the group. It can also have other important governance policies outlined by GSU and outline the structure of your committee. This should be signed by your President and submitted to

Top tip: keep a copy of your constitution and other core documents in a secure shared drive such as google drive for all your committee to access. If you need a copy of your constitution, email

Can’t find a constitution for your group?

If your group doesn’t have a constitution you cannot run as a ratified group. If you need to create a new constitution as you do not have a copy of your constitution you download a blank copy to fill in, sign and submit.

Download a template Student Group Constitution

Risk Assessment

This is needed no matter what activity your student group undertakes, whether that is bible study, weekly social gatherings, or sports training. All student groups need one. Certain groups will need a specific Risk Assessment made for them if they regularly participate in high-risk activity. Additionally, the Union can require a separate risk assessment to be filled in depending on the type of event you're holding for your society.

You cannot deliver activity until the Union has reviewed and signed off your risk assessment for the year. Once submitted for review, the Union will get back to you within 10 working days to let you know whether further updates need to be made to your risk assessment or whether it has been approved.

Risk assessment template (societies)

Risk assessment template (sports)


It may be necessary for your student group to have a formal affiliation to a national governing body, corporate organisation, or an external association. If this is the case, it is a legal requirement that GSU have a list of these affiliations and record them as part of our charitable auditing.

If you have an affiliation, you can let us know by submitting information about them to

If your group doesn’t have any formal affiliations, you do not need to do anything.

Sports Specific Documentation & Tasks:

  • Coach Agreement
  • Transport
  • Playwaze Guide (fixtures/results)
  • External hire
  • YesRef



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