Voice and Representation at GSU covers a number of different areas: looking after our democratic systems of elections and Student Assembly; training and supporting academic representation; research into the student community at Greenwich to provide vital insight; campaigning and awareness through our Liberation Communities; and ensuring the student voice is heard at every level of the Union and University.
1) We will have a clear and consistent reporting process that enhances accountability and closes feedback loops.
2) We will have a Programme Representative and School Network Officer structure that promotes engagement from all stakeholders.
3) We will foster a sense of belonging to liberation communities and enhance the visibility of their representation in GSU spaces and activities.
4) We will become a key source for insights into Greenwich students at GSU.
5) We will work with GSU teams to create a professional development pathway for our student-staff and student volunteers.
1) Produce monthly reports per Faculty to feed into termly GSU wide ‘Student Voice report’.
2) 95% completion rate on ‘Academic issues’ tracker by the end of term to measure closure of feedback cases.
3) Increased and sustained engagement with Student Assembly compared to 2022/23 measured by attendance and voting figures.
4) Produce and follow a concise voice feedback model that is accessible and sustainable across forums and faculties.
5) Ensure the ‘GSU Student Voice report’ is presented to the Universities’ Student Success Committee and is added as part of the terms of reference.
6) 50% of Programme Representative positions are filled proportionately to each school.
7) 100% of Programme Representatives and School Network Officers to engage with training.
8) Collect fortnightly insights from across GSU teams.
9) 90% satisfaction score from Programme Representatives and School Network Officers at the end of the academic year.
10) 95% attendance at the regular engagement check-ins with School Network Officers for Programme Representatives and Academic Coordinators for School Network Officers.
11) Have academic staff from each school attend at least one School Network Forum across 2023/24.
12) 90% of History Month event attendees agree that they feel an increased sense of belonging.
13) 50% of surveyed students are aware of liberation work and 50% who attend a liberation event, feel that they have learnt something.
14) Hold exit interviews with Liberation Chairs and have ongoing check-ins to measure engagement, belonging and feelings of being represented to achieve overall positive responses.
15) Have established successful working relationships with staff liberation networks via cross-promotion of, and collaborative working on, events and activities.
16) Undertake at least one insight project commissioned from the University that is strategically relevant to GSU and supports enhancing the academic and learning experience of students.
17) Gather one piece of feedback per month from each GSU department.
18) There will be at least one research project led by the Officer team.
19) Hold at least one session with our student staff and student volunteers on the transferable, professional skills that they are gaining.
20) Work closely with the Universities’ Employability and Careers team to offer two employability activities tailored to GSU student-staff and volunteers.
21) Collaborating across GSU to create a consistent professional development programme, training and rewards and recognition scheme.
22) When Voice and Representation staff and volunteers are surveyed, 90% will agree that their work has improved their employability and can articulate how.