GSU Elections

About the Elections

Every March students elect their next GSU Officer team and we like to give our University partners a short guide on what to expect, and who to contact if you have questions. 

The key details are:  

  • Four students will be elected, 1 GSU President and 3 GSU Officers, this team will work on a paid and full-time basis from June 2022 - June 2023. 
  • Nominations are now open and close on 28th February 11am - Students can stand for election here (
  • The Voting period runs from Monday 7th to Thursday 10th March and students can vote online or in person at a voting booth. 
  • The results will be announced on Friday 11th March from 5pm in the Lower Deck and online.


If you have any questions, would like to find out more, or have any concerns, you can email: to contact Sophie Harrison (Head of Student Voice and Representation) Deputy Returning Officer for this year’s elections.  

Supporting resources

Download resources below to help understand and promote the Elections.


Briefing document

Lecture Slide Option 1

Lecture Slide Option 2