Burns Management with Tania Cubison

Event run by Paramedic Science (Medway)
Thursday 14 November 2024
6pm - 8pm
University of Greenwich Medway Campus (room TBC)

  • Academic Communities
  • Development
  • Employability
  • GSU
  • Medway
  • Night-time
  • Society Event
  • Training and Development
  • University


Burns Management with Tania Cubison

[Insert Tania's personal bio here - awaiting her secretary to send this over]


Miss Cubison will be presenting all about burns, including minor burns and safe discharge of these patients, through to severe burns requiring input from burns units. She will discuss what a burns unit provides for a patient and how the specialists support these patients to discharge. She will explore the management of burns in the prehospital environment and give some hints and tips on how to improve outcomes for these patients! She will also be touching on airway management for this patient group!


We strongly encourage you to attend this event in person if you can, Tania is an expert in her field and this is a rare opportunity! But if you cannot make it (or the event is full!) this session will be recorded and made available as an e-learning session!