If you’ve chosen to study, you may have needed to give up or reduce your work. You may be eligible for student finance if you’re a Home student, but you may lose other income or benefits.
We’d strongly encourage students to check their financial entitlement before they come to University and to work out a realistic budget. We believe that a single student living on their own in London will typically need about £1000 per month to cover their rent, food and other living costs. If you’ve got children, a partner, or other personal needs, you may need more to live on. From past experience, a lot of students, whether young or older, will get into debt, especially if you’ve got dependent children. Making sure you’re getting everything you’re entitled to and budgeting will help minimise the amount of debt you get into, but if you are struggling to manage, contact your Students’ Union Adviser. We are licensed by the Financial Conduct Authority to give free debt advice to students. We can help you negotiate affordable payments with creditors and advise on your rights to prevent debt enforcement. If you need more help, we can refer you to external (free) specialist money advisers.
For advice on student finance generally contact the Student Finance team.
For advice on benefits and tax credits, and for free debt advice contact your Students Union Adviser. See our website for more information.
If you’re in financial hardship (whether or not you’re in debt), and if you’re a Home student, have you applied to the University’s Access to Learning Fund? If not, why not? And why not now! Go to the Student Services A-Z for the link to apply to the fund, and if you want help with the application, contact your Students’ Union Adviser.