Get in touch

Tell us more about how we can help and we'll get in touch.

Anything with a star (*) is required information to submit your query.

Your contact details


Student ID*




Surname (family name)*


What are your preferred pronouns?*


Nationality? (e.g. British, Italian, Indian, etc.)*


Date of birth*


Preferred telephone number*


Email address*




Year of course:*


Which campus do you study on?*


Study mode*


Academic status*


Tuition fee status:*


Disability details*


Does your matter involve a deadline, if so when?*


Tell us about your issue and how we can help.*

We want to help you, in order to do so, please provide as much information as you can.

  • Can you give a summary of your concern?
  • Can you include any decision or outcome letters/most recent supporting documents?
  • What is your desired outcome?

Please upload any supporting documents or evidence:


How did you find out about the service?*



Form of Authorisation:

The Greenwich Students’ Union Advice Service is confidential, we are not allowed to contact others without your permission except in limited circumstances. Please refer to the Greenwich Students’ Union Advice Confidentiality Policy for further information regarding breaching confidentiality.

In some circumstances, where we may need to contact external organisations to deal with your enquiry or to refer you to specialist help and advice, we will always endeavour to get your consent. Please complete the form to confirm that you are willing for us to contact external organisations, as appropriate.


General Data Protection Regulations:

In accordance with Article 6 of the General Data Protection Regulations 2018, Greenwich Student’s Union Ltd has a legitimate interest to process information relevant to your enquiries and/or case registered with us.

Your information, record of meetings and case notes will remain confidential and stored securely within The Advice Team and on our Case Management System, Advice Pro. Access to AdvicePro is limited to the Greenwich Students’ Union Advice Team and GSU Safeguarding Lead/s.  

You have the right to access the information we hold on you, update your information and request for it to be deleted. If you would like to submit a Right to Information request, please download our form (Word document) and email it back to us at For further guidance regarding your rights, please see the ICO website. 

We will process your information for a period of six years to satisfy your interests and those of Greenwich Students’ Union. 

Our full Data Retention Schedule is on our website at

Our full GDRP Policy and Procedure can be found on

We will not share your data with a third party without your explicit consent, unless we have a legal obligation to do so. See the Advice Confidentiality Policy for exceptions.


Your Consent:

When registering with the service we collect personal details such as name, date of birth, nationality, contact and course details to identify trends and make service improvements, ensuring we are accessible to all Greenwich students and to make service improvements.

We may share statistical data relating to the Advice Service with wider GSU staff, the University or a third party; this information will be produced anonymously, and individuals will not be identified. We are not employed by the university and have limited access to the University of Greenwich Student Data System which we may access as part of your enquiry/case with us.


By submitting this form, you agree to Greenwich Students’ Union Advice Service recording and holding information concerning yourself and your query.


Last Reviewed January 2025 (KM)

Next Review Date January 2026.