Mental Health & Wellbeing
One in four people in the UK will experience a mental health difficulty at some point in their lives. In As many as one in five University students may experience a range of problems with their mental health.
It’s not unusual for a first diagnosis of a mental health problem to happen between the ages of 18 to 25. Being away from support, the pressure to succeed, feeling alone… there are any number of reasons, and sometimes no logical reason, why people experience suffer from mental illness. It can be distressing, especially if you feel isolated, or if you don’t know what’s happening. But on another level, it’s a lot like having a physical health problem. If you ignore it, things can get worse. Get support, and students can successfully complete their studies while managing their mental health.
We’ve included in the Useful Links section websites for finding out more about mental health, support and treatment that’s available.
University Mental Health Support
Contact the University Mental Health Adviser through the Disability & Dyslexia Team (based at the Student Centres), or visit the Student Centre to make an appointment. You don’t need to have a formal medical condition to get support. Whether you’ve got a recognised condition, or you’re feeling anxious, stressed or depressed, the Mental Health Adviser is here to help you. See Wellbeing at University of Greenwich for further information. The Mental Health Adviser works across all 3 University campuses. They also offer Counselling.
The University Chaplaincy Team don’t pretend to be mental health experts. However, they are here for all students, whether or not you’re a believer, and offer confidential and non-judgmental support. If you’re needing someone to talk to, to help you figure out things for yourself, they can be a good starting point. See Chaplaincy | Student Services.
If you feel that you’re at crisis point, or you know someone else is, then contact your campus Student Centre or the Students’ Union Advice Service.
It could be the first step in taking back control of your health or someone else’s. If you feel there’s no one else to talk to, contact the Samaritans.
Available to provide emotional support to anyone, 24 hours a day, all year round. Sometimes we all need someone to just listen.
See, or phone 116 123.
Greenwich Students’ Union in partnership with Mind
GSU worked in partnership in Mind to interview students from all backgrounds and gather tips for taking better care of our mental health and managing stress. Check out the videos below and discover the Mind student health hub: