Healthy Living
When we’re under stress or anxious, some people eat chocolate, some drink, others smoke.
In the UK, in 2019, 14.1% of people aged 18 years and above smoked cigarettes, which equates to around 6.9 million people in the population. After July 2007, it became illegal in England or Wales for anyone to smoke in an enclosed public place and within the workplace.
For some smokers, it can be difficult to quit altogether, and if you are not quite ready to stop smoking completely, cutting down can be a good start, and is one way to reduce the harm of smoking.
Why stop smoking?
Increase your fertility? Younger-looking skin? Nicer looking teeth? Breath smells better? Easier to breathe? Save money? How much are you spending on smoking each day – each week – each month?
For more advice on how to quit smoking and get some support check at the links in our Useful Information section.
Drink Aware
How aware are you of what you’re drinking, and how you’re affected by it?
It’s your choice as an adult, but we want to make sure you make an informed choice. Drinking more than the recommended limits of 2 units per day for women, and 3 units per day for men can lead to health problems (and from experience, unpleasant experiences the morning after the night before). Excessive drinking can also put you in risky situations that you wouldn’t accept if you were sober.
For information on managing your drinking, see
And if you are going to drink, at home or away, we’d recommend drinking plenty of water before, during and after, and lining your stomach with food (Students’ Union venues sell a good choice of hot and cold food and soft drinks as well as alcohol).
Did you know that exercise can boost your mental wellbeing, as well as making you more physically healthy?
Why not try a brisk 15 minute walk to recharge yourself.
It is also a great way to socialise with friends or fellow students on your course.
Find out more about sports clubs and University facilities on the Students Union website or try GSUmove.
Healthy Eating
The Health Survey for England 2019 estimates that 28.0% of adults in England are obese and a further 36.2% are overweight but not obese.
It’s easy to get into the habit of ordering take-away food or eating ready meals. But good nutrition is good for your studies. The better the food your body eats, the better your brain works, and the better you’ll study.
Get tips from BBC's Eat Well For Less.
Experimenting with drugs might start off fun, but Drugs range in their effects from making you feel more relaxed, to being hyped-up, to hallucinating or making you feel like you’re out of your body. Some might say using illegal drugs is no different than using alcohol, smoking or taking prescription pills. However, drugs are illegal. Possessing, using or distributing drugs can lead to a criminal record affecting your future. In some cases, your studies could be terminated as a result. Illegal drugs also carry physical and mental health risks, not least because illegal drugs are commonly mixed with other ingredients, making their effects less predictable.
If you’re going to use drugs, do your research.
See Talk To Frank for further information
If you need help, you can always speak to a Students’ Union adviser in confidence.