Disabled Students' Support
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Wellbeing Support:
Student Wellbeing Service
The Student Wellbeing Service offers support so that reasonable adjustments can be made to assist with your studies. You can get in touch by emailing wellbeing@gre.ac.uk. You can find more information here.
For disabled students and those with long-term medical conditions, specific learning difficulties and/or mental health conditions, there are staff in each campus who can provide support.
The University has a Student Wellbeing Coordinator and a Disability Named Contact in each department and library to provide support.
Academic Support:
Greenwich Inclusion Plans
The Student Wellbeing Service team can create a Greenwich Inclusion Plan (GIP), a support plan, outlining the reasonable adjustments, including exam arrangements, that you may need. It can also be used as evidence for an EC Claim.
If you are a student with a diagnosis of a disability, mental health condition, specific learning difficulty and/or long-term medical condition, you are entitled to a GIP. Get in contact with the student wellbeing service to set up a plan. You can also find out more here.
Extenuating Circumstances
You can submit an EC claim if you have a fluctuating and /or long term medical condition and you have been registered with the student wellbeing services.
You will need to have a GIP confirming the fluctuating mental health condition. For more information on Accessing Greenwich Inclusion Plans please see above.
You can also submit an EC if you have an illness or where medical treatment has impacted your ability to complete an assessment. For more information, please see the Accepted Circumstances Document
Financial Support
DSA is a grant to support disabled students in higher education within the UK. It covers the extra study-related costs or expenses that you may have as a result of your disability. Support includes specialist one to one study skills, equipment, mentor support or travel.
Please note: international students are not eligible for DSA, however, please get in contact with the student wellbeing service who may be able to provide support.
There is external support and advice available specifically for disabled students:
Scope - a disability equality charity in England and Wales. They provide practical information and emotional support
The Snowden Trust – connects grants and trusts with disabled students
This project provides support to students with a disability, long term condition, mental health condition and neurodivergence. STAART provides information and guidance to current and future students who have concerns about going to university.
Disabled and Dyslexic students at the University of Greenwich and in the local area (Year 11 onwards) can join at any time.
Disabled Students Liberation Network
GSU has a network representing Disabled Students, which gives you an opportunity to make your voice heard. Find out more here:
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