Extenuating Circumstances

Sometimes students’ coursework or exam performance is impaired because of a significant illness, personal problem or traumatic event, such as a bereavement. If something happens which adversely affects your ability to study and you are concerned that your coursework or exam performance will suffer as a result, you can apply for a extenuating circumstance. Your department may grant extra time to submit an essay or other coursework. It is important, where possible, to apply for a extenuating circumstance before rather than after the coursework deadline or the exam and to provide evidence to support your application.

Procedures and forms for a concessions application are normally found via your School, Department, or Faculty.  It is especially important to make sure that you are aware of the regulations. Visit www2.gre.ac.uk/current-students/regs for details.

You must submit your claim for Extenuating Circumstances before the coursework deadline (4pm on the due date). Coursework can be handed in up to ten working days after the deadline, but if your claim for extenuation is not accepted, the work will be returned to you unmarked.

The form should be submitted as soon as possible with the supporting evidence (within 10 working days if you are handing in coursework). Further guidance can be found on an Extenuating Circumstances form, available from your school.


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