Trustee Board

The Union has a Trustee Board consisting of four Full-time Officers, four students, seven Trustees from outside the Union and University, and one University Trustee. The Full-time Officers become Trustees as part of their paid role at the Union; the others volunteer their time. Find out more about our Trustees below, and click here to read our Trustee Handbook (opens in a new tab/window).


Officer Trustees



Ameen Chowdhury

GSU President


Aminul Fahad

GSU Officer


Amrutha Gullapalli

GSU Officer


Sodiq Lawal

GSU Officer


Student Trustees




Jason Jeevaruban

Start date: September 2023


Mohammed attended the September induction session and joins us a appointed student trustee. Mohammed is currently studying a Law Degree at the University of Greenwich and is President of the Islamic Society (ISOC). He sits on the senior team at Darul Uloom London School and clerks for their governing body.


Foday Edward Samura

Start date: September 2023


Mateusz Pudlak

Start date: September 2023



University Trustee


Picture of Paul Butler


Paul Butler

Start date: January 2016



External Trustees


Picture of Liz Jones


Liz Jones (Chair)

Start date: January 2014

I recently retired as the Executive Headteacher of Abbey Manor College in Lewisham, which is a specialist provision for students who have been permanently excluded from school. My career has always been in education. I have a first degree in Physiology and Pharmacology from Aston University, where I was the first woman president of the Students’ Union. Subsequently, I gained a Master’s degree and a Doctorate in Education from the Institute of Education. My thesis focused on Student Voice. I have specific skills and expertise in H.R., leadership and change management and strategic planning. Being a trustee is fascinating and challenging and gives me a unique insight into contemporary Higher Education. Being a trustee is both interesting and challenging and gives me a unique insight into Higher Education.
Picture of Fiona Slaven


Fiona Slaven

Start date: November 2021

Fiona will Chair the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee from January 2021. Fiona is Assistant Director, Business Support at the Marine Society and Sea Cadets. Fiona has extensive finance leadership as was the former Director of Finance at University of Arts SU and Syracuse University, London. Fiona is a trustee of the Unite Foundation who deliver a unique university accommodation scholarship for care leavers and estranged students across the UK.
Picture of Kevin


Kevin Hall

Start date: March 2021

Picture of George


George Bradley

Start date: May 2021



Benjamin Hunt

Start date: September 2023



Co-opted Trustees



Curtis Fletcher

Start date: September 2023




Meeting minutes

See the things discussed at each Trustee Board from current and previous academic years.



Here are some documents that relate to Trustee activity and governance.