Once a year the GSU organize International Week in the main hall. Member Student Societies organize a stall in which they exhibit items reflecting the heritage of their country, such as: folklore national costumes, products, pictures, and handcrafts. Students, staff, or visitors come around and may ask, whoever in attendance at the stall, relevant questions. The week ends with an evening plays presented by students on the stage.
1961/62 ULU received an invitation for fifty students from President J.F. Kennedy, to visit the US as guests. ULU proportionally distributed the invitation to constituents colleges of The University of London, which included Woolwich Poly. They were received by the President and Jackie Kennedy at the White House.
Muhyee Din Abdullatif MAHMOUD Alabdeli, B.Sc.Engineering, graduated 1964
Image from https://ndla.zendesk.com/hc/no

It was the year 2011 and a bunch of us gathered to watch the Cricket World Cup at the Students Union. It felt like a stadium. Everyone supported their countries. The food was amazing & so was the staff. It is here that we learnt the true meaning of diversity & the power of it. Of course, it helped that India won the World Cup in 2011, but the matches we saw there are imprinted in our hearts forever.
The GSU helped us have both a voice and an identity. It also taught us the value of diversity.
Jaykishan Gadhvi, MBA, graduated 2014

I visited the students' union bar sometimes to drink and watch people play snooker.
Almosphere was always electric and vibrant with students from all over the world. This is one of the most memorable period of my life.
Attending GSU events just demonstrated the power of community to me and that we can achieve and enjoy more when we come together for a common purpose.
Kayode Olusegun, MSc IT with E-business, graduated 2012
Stock image from GSU