Being part of a students' union can be transformative, and students are a big part of our legacy. Hear from three students below who have been part of GSU in the last few years and how it's impacted them. We hope to have the same impact on others for the next 90 years!




Previous Society member and Committee member; now GSU President


1. What was your involvement in GSU?

I have been deeply involved with the Islamic Society throughout my degree, which allowed me to work closely with GSU (Greenwich Students' Union). As part of this Society, I saw an excellent opportunity to support students across all campuses by becoming a GSU Officer.


2. What did you enjoy about your role/s at GSU?

It has been a pleasure to engage with students, whether through emails or in person, and to contribute to campaigns aimed at enhancing the student experience.


3. How do you think your experience at GSU has helped you become your best?

My time at GSU has had a significant impact on my life, helping me become more social, empathetic, and caring toward those around me.


4. What would you say to recommend people get involved in GSU?

If you're passionate about improving the student experience, GSU is the perfect place to get involved. Stay active in university life, especially through Societies—it’s a great way to make a difference.



Previous Sports Club member and Committee member


1. What was your involvement in GSU?

Through my time at the university I attended multiple events hosted by the GSU. From crazy themed club nights to classy sports awards my favourite would have to be Varsity day.

As a student coach for the UoG Cheerleading team, Greenwich Mermaids, I promoted our team and performed on Varsity day to support all the UoG sports teams. 

While at the University of Greenwich, I attended numerous events hosted by GSU. From wild themed club nights to the classy Activities Awards, my favourite event by far was Varsity As the student coach for the UoG Cheerleading team, the Greenwich Mermaids, I was actively involved in promoting our team and performing at Varsity to support all the GSU Sports teams.


2. What did you enjoy about your role/s at GSU?

The things I enjoyed about my role as Student Coach and committee member was having the chance to teach students a new sport and every year watch a new group of girls form friendships that last a lifetime and build a love for a sport they hadn’t tried prior to uni. If it wasn’t for my involvement in Cheerleading I would have my best friends and flat mates. 

I enjoyed my role as Student Coach and Committee member because I had the opportunity to introduce students to a new sport. Every year, I watched as a new group of girls formed lifelong friendships and developed a love for cheerleading, a sport many had never tried before university (including me). If it wasn’t for my own involvement in cheerleading, I wouldn’t have met my best friends and flatmates.


3. How do you think your experience at GSU has helped you become your best?

My experience in the GSU has taught me how to manage groups of people and how to learn and teach new skills.


4. What would you say to recommend people get involved in GSU?

I would highly recommend getting involved in GSU because it’s the best way to meet people with similar interests and make the most of life at uni. You have access to a wide range of activities and events, and you can connect with all others involved with the GSU. Out of all the friends I made at university, only three I didn’t meet through GSU!



Previous student staff member; now a full-time stall member at GSU


1. What was your involvement in GSU?

My involvement with GSU began over three years ago, when I started as a student staff member during Welcome Week. I helped set up events and create a welcoming atmosphere for new students, especially since my own welcome experience was during COVID.


2. What did you enjoy about your role/s at GSU?

I found that working whilst of creating community really solidified by student experience with a greater sense of purpose beyond myself. This inspired me to apply for the role of Student Group Engagement Leader, where I helped plan and organise fun activities that my friends and fellow students were excited about.


3. How do you think your experience at GSU has helped you become your best?

This creative environment, combined with opportunities to collaborate with others, helped me better understand students, lecturers, and staff as people. It also taught me valuable skills in teamwork and sustainable processes.


4. What would you say to recommend people get involved in GSU?

I would recommend getting involved in GSU to any students who feel they want more opportunities - from making friends and having fun, to making their academic experience richer. To the students who may feel their main focus is their studies - there is always a way to channel that drive into something more and I hope more students can experience that.