Your Union

Discover our student-led activities, and our GSU support designed for you. 
Become your best at Greenwich Students' Union and beyond.


academic communities advice and support green ambassadors gsu officers recreational sport liberation networks nus delegates programme reps sports clubs societies volunteering

Academic Communities

Meet Mihaela - former President of the Criminology Society. We have Academic Societies for so many courses. Find out why Mihaela got involved in Academic Communities.

I was very excited about being a 3rd year Criminology and Criminal Justice student doing a work placement for the Innocence Project London and starting my new roles as President of the Criminology Society and Academic Societies Representative in the Activities Committee. Some of my responsibilities include to represent Student Groups and influence the Student Group Leaders guidance, training and support. 

Advice and Support 

Meet our Advice Team here at GSU. The team offer free and professional support to students. 

It’s our job to provide you with the right information and support and advocate on your behalf to the University to ensure that their methods and policies are taking care of your welfare. Our team is independent of the University, as is the Union, meaning we can give you an impartial view and support on any issues you face. Everyone faces obstacles or barriers; if you encounter any during your time at University, talking to our Advice team is the first step to get through them, tackle a range of academic and non-academic issues, and continue at University successfully.

Green Ambassadors  

Meet Elsa, a former Green Ambassador. GSU is committed to minimising our impact on the planet. Find out more from Elsa about how you can do your part. 

The Green Ambassadors are a group of students whose aim is to raise awareness on environmentally conscious and sustainability activities at the University and to encourage their fellow students to actively participate in their community. They also help organise activities for the Eco Team Greenwich which is a student-staff network working collaboratively for a sustainable future. My top tip on sustainability is to focus on the small changes you can make every day, instead of feeling you have to make big changes and do everything perfectly. 

GSU Officers 

Jabed, Anuj, Krishmi, and Abdul are your GSU Officers who have been voted in to lead Greenwich Students’ Union. Their aim is to ensure you have a great time here at Greenwich by representing your voice.  Let's hear from Jabed your GSU President.

Hey! I am Jabed, I would like to connect Greenwich students for the best student experience, with you! I am an activist and constantly working to empower individuals and build communities. I am concerned about climate change and I am working to raise awareness around sustainability. If you see me, please stop me and say hi when you are around campus to talk more! STAY CONNECTED!!



Evie runs our virtual yoga sessions as part of GSUmove. It’s a free, fun, non-commitment programme of challenges, activities and non-competitive sport. Get moving and find out more. 

GSUmove offers free, fun and non-competitive sport. This recreational sport initiative encompasses all the free physical activity available either on campus or virtually. Whether you want to get fit, relieve stress or meet new people this is a great informal way of playing more recreational sport and being involved in more physical activity on campus. 

Liberation Networks

Shafeen was the Chair of the Students of Colour Liberation Network. Find a community where you belong with our Liberation Networks. Shafeen can tell you more about the change he wants to make for Students. 

Different ≠ Deficient. With this motto, I participated in the Students of Colour Liberation Chair elections to make an impact. As a member of the BAME community, I have personally faced some of the challenges pertaining to our group. I felt this role could enable me to make a tangible impact in making the experience of Students of Colour at the University of Greenwich more worthwhile. 

Liberation Networks

Sophie was the Chair of the Womens Liberation Network. Find a community where you belong with our Liberation Networks. Sophie tells you why you should get involved.

I have always been actively involved in extracurricular work and positions through the years. Since joining the University, I have wanted to use my skills and share my thoughts and help women on and off-campus. Students should get involved with the Women's Liberation Network as it can, impact, directly and indirectly, themselves, their friends and fellow peers on and off-campus. The network aims to make a safer campus enviornment through educational events and campaigns. 

NUS Conference Delegate

Roshini was an NUS (National Union of Students) Conference Delegate Elect. Delegates represent our Students' Union at the annual NUS conference. Here's what you need to know about NUS.

NUS promote, defend and extend student rights. They fight discrimination, isolation and injustice through campaigning and targeted action. They harness the collective power of students through collective and democratic representation. You can influence what NUS’ response should be to the issues that affects students. 

Programme Rep

Rashmi was awarded Programme Rep of the Year in 2020 for her course MSc Finance and Investment. You could be the Programme Rep for your course. Find out what it means to support your programme from Rashmi. 

I'm so glad I've had the opportunity to represent my cohort. It has been an aboslute pleasure being a Programme Rep - not just because of how engaging all my classmates have been but also because of how immensly responsive and understanding the Faculty has been this year. 


Sports Clubs 

We have Team Greenwich who practice at the Avery Hill campus and Team Medway which consists of players from across the three Universities at the Medway campus. Find out the benefits of being part of a team.

Sport offers you so many ways to stay active and social. So whether it’s competing against other universities, or just turning up to have some fun, our clubs are a great way to participate in sports and meet new friends.


Anne is the Feminism Society former President and has been awarded a Lifetime Membership Award. Whether it’s a shared interest, culture or hobby, discover a Society where you can belong. Anne tells us more about the impact of Societies

My experience as a Society President was one of the most rewarding things I have ever done. I was so happy to be able to provide people with a space where they could be themselves, make friends and just feel comfortable. At times, it was definitely challenging, but to have our members enjoy our events and just our community made it all worth it. Welcome is a great way to meet Societies, see what they are all about and to find out if you are vibing with them. The point of Societies is to make everyone feel welcome, meet like-minded people and, most importantly, to have fun! 


Be a volunteer and be recognised for it. Meet Ryan who was awarded the Volunteer Gold Plus Award in 2020. 

I was volunteering at a range of places including: Bromley and Carshalton Athletic Football Clubs as an Academy Tutor, Lewisham Youth Football Club as a Coach, Let Me Know as a Community Youth Leader, Palace for Life as a Football Coach and Targeted Intervention Mentor and Bromley Beacon Academy as a Behaviour Mentor. I was able to learn so much in regards to employability and reflect on my own personal experiences. I would definitely encourage all students to take part in the volunteering, because you get so much out of it that you can take forward in life post-graduation. 


we recommend

Here are some things we think you might like to do to help settle in.
Lower Deck Bar Area

Give It A Go

Try something new with our Give It A GO Programme of events and activities. Most of the events are free, so it's the perfect way to try something out without having to commit!

> Discover Give It A Go

Coffee being poured

Global Greenwich

Discover Global, it offers a great range of events to connect different cultures at Greenwich. We're an extremely diverse University, so it's great to showcase the nationalities that make Greenwich unique!             

> Global Greenwich

Village Shop exterior


Fun, free and non-competitive sport that requires no commitment other than purchasing a free ticket for each activity.

> Try GSUmove

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