Sustainability Researcher -Student Recruitment

Work experience opportunities!

Want to gain skills, knowledge and aptitudes associated with Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)?

Want to make a positive impact for ESD, while building relationships and building your network?

Want to build your CV and showcase your key employability skills?

Want to experiment with practical skills and meet likeminded people?

Want a chance to win Best Student Sustainability Researcher Award?

Sustainability Researcher

We are looking for volunteer Sustainability Researchers to complete on online qualitative and quantitative curriculum assessment, to talk to lecturers and students about sustainability in your departments and showcase sustainability best practices in your discipline. Each volunteer researcher will be fully trained through a 1.5 hour workshops and resources and support provided afterwards by Green Ambassador Curriculum & Research. We will schedule 10 minutes call updates per week until December 2015. We ask that you commit one to five hours per week towards this role from November to December 2015.

What skills do I need?
No technical knowledge is needed. Full training will be provided to fit in with any learning or time requirement. All you need is interest in the topic of Education for Sustainable Development.

Please get in touch if you want more information on becoming a Sustainability Researcher at to schedule a short phone conversation.

What is the NUS Responsible Futures?

The National Union of Student (NUS) Responsible Futures programme aims to embed sustainability into the curriculum of every student in education today. Working through a bank of criteria, institutions and students’ unions work in partnership to earn the accreditation mark which demonstrates practical action on education for sustainable development.

The programme will result in an externally-verified audit report of the University’s approach to embedding social responsibility and sustainability (SRS) within learning and teaching ……this is where you come in!