What are the benefits of eating Organic food? 

By: Bernadette A. Cozma


Week 1

Hey guys I'm really excited about getting this project up and running. So this week I'm setting up meetings with my keys contacts and by the end of the week I'll send in my final project plan. On Wednesday I went to our hub's workshop and met all the fellowship winners. It was really good to see them and get to know about their projects too. I've never done a funded project before, it's all new to me so please bear with me. It's challenging but putting in the extra effort will pay back. Stay tuned to my channel and any questions you might have please leave me a comment and I'll get back to you. Have an awesome week and tune in next week for the latest updates.


Weeks 2 & 3

Hey everyone! These last two weeks have been really busy. I've met up with my key contacts and I've started my analysis. Yes! It's been amazing, I've been working with a PhD student and he has helped me a lot with my protocol. I've learnt so much and it's really fun. I've got a few more test to run but it's all going very smoothly. I'll catch up with you next week and show you some more. Before I go I wanted to share my funny moments in the lab. It's not all work and no fun. We had lunch together as a team and shared some jokes and laughed our heads off before going back to the lab to continue our work. I love working in a team...I hope I get to do this more often.

Catch you soon B.


Week 4

Hello dear bloggers,

It’s been a full few weeks and I’m feeling the pressure of completing the project. It’s all been smooth within the last days. I have had a few setbacks as I couldn’t book the lab for an experiment or my lab partner was unavailable at the time. I am planning next week and hopefully it will all be on tract by then. I’ve found some interesting recipes and my fellow student colleague will be helping me put together a booklet on some quick and amazing dishes you can make. 


Week 5

Hello Guys,

This week I’ve been thinking about my interview and working on the midterm report. Guess what? I couldn’t believe it! We have been asked to film our projects and I get to talk about my project publically. Wow. We will be filming next week on the 30th and I might also present my project at an open gallery in the Crystal Building up in London. I’ve got to find a new idea for the ad and radio post, but I’ve got the support of a media student that has a lot of experience with YouTube blog video posts. Catch you next week with more updates. Bye! 


Week 6

Hello guys,

This week has been full of long hours in the lab and lots of testing. I've learnt a lot about time management and that working in the lab takes a lot of patience. My work is very meticulous and my lab partner is very helpful. It's great to collaborate with a PHD student because I learn so much from him. Our results are looking good. I've also been preparing for an interview about the project and we will be filming soon, yay! You guys get to see me in action....hope your week was as fruitful as mine. Catch you all next week.


Week 7

Hello everyone, It’s been a good week. We started off filming the project and documenting my activities, so I had a camera crew follow me around on campus and going about my usual day with experiments and research. They interviewed me and I had a few butterflies in my stomach but is was fine in the end. Then my week continued with more lab work and exciting chemical reactions. It’s taking a bit of time to get everything done but patience is a key skill in this business. Now I have to figure out what this all means…ha-ha, just joking….


Week 8

So here I go again… It’s back to some more work in the lab and more testing. In the end we will get the results we want. All I have to do is analyse it right?

It sounds easy but I’m finding it challenging. Don’t get me wrong, I’m enjoying this process of active learning as I would put it...but it feels a bit too much sometimes. Oh well, tomorrow is another day, and I might just get my questions answered. So keep reading my blog and find out what I come up with.

This week I’ve been writing my final report too and sorting out the final documents for my project and also planning my activities after the official end of the project. My work will carry on!