Green Ambassadors
What is it?
The Green Ambassadors scheme is your chance to combine a passion for sustianability and a part time job whilst studying - as student staff you'll be delivering two major outreach projects - Green Impact in local colleges and the community, and sustainability workshops in schools.
What's Green Impact?
Green Impact is a national accreditation and awards scheme run by the NUS, supporting organisations to audit their sustainability impact and use a practical workbook to make simple, tangible and powerful changes to behaviour and practices.
Our Green Ambassadors will support staff within the Students' Union and University on their ongoing commitment to Green Impact, and be a vital part of expanding Green Impact to work with local Colleges and a cohort of local businesses on a Green Impact Enterprise pilot.
What about the sustainability workshops?
As well as helping with the Green Impact workbooks and audits, our Green Ambassadors will be working with the Sustainability Hub Coordinator to design, write and deliver a series of workshops based on a range of sustainability topics.
The workshops will be delivered in the local community, to school students of all ages, and will be based on educating students about issues and initiatives such as growing your own food, reducing carbon emissions, sustainable crafting, biodiversity planting, urban allotments, and much more!
How can I get involved?
Applications are now open for the role of Green Ambassador! Please click here for more information.
If you would like to be kept up-to-date with information on the Hub, please sign up to our Sustainability Hub e-newsletter!