About the HUB 


The Sustainability Hub (Hub) is a student-led and staff-supported project based in the Students’ Union (SU) in partnership with the Sustainable Development Unit.


The Hub organises events and campaigns across all campuses engaging with students to increase pro-environmental behaviour, whilst enabling students to have an impact working towards greater sustainability. Student employed as Ambassadors and Hub volunteers are trained to implement projects such as Green Impact in local enterprises or gain the skills to deliver workshops to educate children in primary and secondary schools.


The Hub was founded in the summer of 2013 and was funded by the NUS Students’ Green Fund until the end of December 2015. The University has now confirmed funding for the Hub to continue until July 2017. Starting in 2016 the Hub will increase its focus on developing student employability skills. The Hub will continue to utilise sustainability as a tool to provide key knowledge, develop skills and offer opportunities for students to gain experience valued by employers through employment and volunteer opportunities including delivering practical sustainability projects, events and campaigns.


The aims of the Hub are:

  • Increase the employability of students through providing employment and volunteering opportunities relating to sustainability;
  • Increase sustainability attitudes and behaviours in student;
  • Empower students to have an impact on their University and community.


The Hub follows the Green Office Model by establishing a student-led and staff-supported sustainability hub that initiates, coordinates, and supports sustainability activities at the University of Greenwich. This ambitious collaborative project is designed to enable our students to become active drivers for sustainability change within the University and wider community.